In the afternoon of this day, under the strong request of shareholders, RM Group held a general meeting of shareholders.

In addition to Lu Guohua's younger brother Lu Guocan and Lu Guoyao, Chang Yongmei and some small shareholders attended the meeting.

Five minutes after the meeting, Lu Dingning, accompanied by Ruan Xiyuan, appeared in the meeting room of RM Group.

The appearance of "Lu Yining" surprised all the shareholders.

After all, it was reported on the news that Lu Guohua was currently admitted to the ICU ward. At this juncture, as a son, "Lu Yining" does not stay by Lu Guohua's side, what is he doing in the RM Group?

"Why, you seem to be a little unwelcome to my presence?" Probably because he was used to controlling the audience, Lu Dingning took the seat that Lu Guohua used to sit at every shareholder meeting before he arrived.

But today, almost all the people attending the shareholders' meeting are aiming at this position.

As a result, the moment Lu Dingning took that seat, everyone's expressions changed significantly.

Especially Lu Guocan, Lu Guoyao and Chang Yongmei!

And it was Lu Guocan, who was several times rounder than Lu Guohua, who was the first to express his dislike for the appearance of "Lu Yining".

"Yining, it's not that I don't welcome you to attend this shareholder meeting. After all, you are also my brother's own son. But my brother is seriously ill now. Instead of staying in the hospital and taking good care of him, you ran out instead. If this is caught by a reporter , it is estimated that it will be exaggerated again, which is really not good for the current situation of RM Group!"

As before, Lu Guocan likes to put pressure on Lu Yining in the tone of an elder.

But Lu Guocan didn't know that it was not Lu Yining, who was kind and gentle before, in front of him at this moment, but Lu Dingning, who was eloquent.

So in the face of Lu Guocan's "good words to persuade", Lu Dingning said this: "Uncle, you also know that I am my father's own son, and Shaodong of RM Group. So if I don't Is it even more unreasonable to be present?"

"As for my dad, he has already come out of the ICU. I even peeled some fruit for him before I came to the company, and he is eating it!"

Ruan Xiyuan next to him heard Lu Dingning mentioning that he had peeled fruit for Lu Guohua, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

Before Ruan Xiyuan accompanied Lu Dingning to attend the shareholder meeting, he went to the hospital to see Lu Guohua. Because of this, Ruan Xiyuan ran into the scene where Lu Dingning was peeling fruit for Lu Guohua.

Really, if he hadn't come across that scene, Ruan Xiyuan wouldn't have discovered that their second young master, who was so perfect and delicate in appearance, was so ferocious in peeling fruit.

She peeled an apple and a pear for Lu Guohua. But basically, those two things have been pared down to only the core.

As for those two fruit cores, Er Shao is ashamed to say that Mr. Lu is busy eating them?

Ruan Xiyuan really wanted to ridicule the second young master on the spot.

But the current situation cannot allow Ruan Xiyuan to lose the chain.

Therefore, Ruan Xiyuan could only temporarily hide those ridicules and runs in his heart.

It's good that Lu Dingning didn't mention Lu Guohua, but when Lu Guohua was mentioned, the expressions of almost all the shareholders present changed.

In the final analysis, these shareholders are still biased towards Lu Guohua. As for Lu Guocan and Lu Guoyao, they have always been laymen in this industry. Furthermore, the conduct of these two people is obvious to all.

So if Lu Guohua really has nothing to do, the shareholders are of course unwilling to let the executive power of the company fall into the hands of Lu Guocan and Lu Guoyao.

The changes in the expressions of the shareholders soon fell into the eyes of Lu Guocan and Lu Guoyao.

It was at this time that Lu Guoyao said: "Yining, did your dad really come out of the ICU? Or..."

That's right, Lu Guoyao actually guessed what these shareholders were thinking after hearing Lu Dingning's words.

But after waiting for a long time, he finally got this opportunity. How could he easily let go of the meat that was on his lips?

Lu Guoyao admitted that what he said was deliberately leading those shareholders to think of other things.

But in fact, he also felt that Lu Guohua might not have come out of the ICU ward yet.

Otherwise, Lu Dingning should have published this news through the media as soon as possible, and tried his best to recover the losses of RM Group due to Lu Guohua's serious illness and the stock market plummeting in the past few days.

But before the shareholders' meeting, the news that Lu Guohua came out of the ICU ward did not appear in the newspapers.

So in Lu Guoyao's view, this might just be a trick Lu Dingning came up with to sabotage the shareholders' meeting.

Under Lu Guoyao's deliberate guidance, everyone seemed to think of this, and cast doubtful eyes on Lu Dingning.

But in the face of everyone's doubts, Lu Dingning didn't feel the slightest sense of panic. Instead, he laughed all over the place.

"It seems that second uncle, you seem to wish that my father will live in the ICU ward for the rest of his life?"

Lu Dingning's words seemed to hit Lu Guoyao's bad intentions hidden under the hypocrisy and kindness, so that he quickly reprimanded Lu Dingning: "How do you talk, kid? I can't wait for your father to live in the ICU ward for the rest of his life. Your father After all, he is my brother, I..."

The reason why he was so anxious was because Lu Dingning's words just now almost tore off his good old man's disguise for many years.

However, today's Lu Dingning seemed to be heading straight for his good-natured disguise.

Before Lu Guoyao finished his sentence, Lu Dingning interrupted him directly: "So second uncle, do you still remember that you are my father's brother? I thought you had forgotten."

"How could I forget? I..." Lu Guoyao obviously wanted to defend himself.

But Lu Dingning's tone suddenly changed, and even the evil smile that he connected to just now has disappeared: "Second uncle, if you haven't forgotten, why didn't you visit the hospital once when my father was seriously ill and entered the ICU?" , instead of being busy in the company leading shareholders to make trouble and hold a shareholders meeting to seize power?"

While Lu Dingning scolded in a cold voice, he also had a deterrent force on his face. The vicious aura belonging to the ruthless stepson of the Smith family was fully revealed at this time.

So much so that Lu Guoyao, who was busy trying to defend himself, lost his voice in an instant.

"You child, how did you become so mercenary? We will rush to hold a shareholders' meeting at this time, and it is also for your own good. You don't have to do anything in the hospital, but you think we are busy seizing power..."

When Lu Guoyao lost his voice, Lu Guocan quickly refuted Lu Dingning.

In the end, Lu Dingning still didn't even give him a look, and asked him in a cold voice: "For my own good? Then troublesome uncle, please explain to me, what is the point of all your efforts to fight for the company's executive power?" Is it for my own good or my father's good?"

It can be said that in front of the eloquent Lu Dingning, neither Lu Guoyao, who always presented himself as a good guy, nor Lu Guocan, who was always arrogant and thought he was Lu Guohua's benefactor, did not get any benefits.

Just when Lu Guocan and Lu Guoyao couldn't even speak, Lu Dingning signaled Ruan Xiyuan next to him to hand over the two documents to Lu Guocan and Lu Guoyao respectively.

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