"Xiyuan, where is the nearest hospital?"

Touching the dried blood with his fingers, Lu Dingning's phoenix eyes that were covered with a layer of mist suddenly lit up.

That's right, it's a hospital!

If it was Lu Yining who always didn't like others to worry about him, he would definitely go to the hospital to treat the wound first if he was injured, and he didn't want his father to worry about him!

"Hospital? No!" Ruan Xiyuan also said: "There are small villages around here, and there are no such high-end medical conditions. There are only a few unremarkable clinics."

"Health center? That's fine, let's go and have a look now! I guess, after my brother escapes from here, he will go to these places to treat his wounds first!"

"You mean, Young Master Lu was trapped here before?" Ruan Xiyuan is not stupid. Hearing what Lu Dingning said, he can't say that he guessed everything, but it can be regarded as a guess.

Therefore, his eyes now became serious.

"Yeah. Last night I sent someone to get Jin Shang drunk, and I asked..."

As for the person who got Jin Shang drunk was herself, Lu Dingning didn't want to mention it at all.

"It turned out to be him... this damned Jin Shang, I want to make his crimes known to the public and make him accept the punishment of the law!" Ruan Xiyuan yelled to make a phone call when he heard this, but was held back by Lu Dingning.

"I'll take care of this! Now we have to find out my brother's whereabouts!" With that recording, and if her brother came out to confront him, Jin Shang couldn't escape.

"Well, let's start looking for health centers in surrounding villages now..." In this way, Lu Dingning and Ruan Xiyuan began to look for Lu Yining in the health centers of surrounding villages.

But when it was completely dark, they relied on GPS and this to ask for directions, and found a total of three clinics. One of the clinics has not yet had the habit of registering patient information.

However, the other two health centers have registered patient information.

What was even more fortunate was that Lu Yining's name was indeed included in the patient information of the third health center they found.

According to the memories of the doctor at the clinic who saw Lu Yining at that time, Lu Yining's injuries were not serious, except for some soft tissue contusions, there was a bloody gash on his forehead, probably from knocking out.

Under Lu Dingning's repeated questioning, the doctor assured her that although the gash on her brother's forehead was a bit deep, it would not be life-threatening after timely suturing and disinfection.

Just asking where Lu Yining went after leaving the clinic, the doctor couldn't answer.

But this can't be blamed on the doctor, there are countless people going in and out of this health center every day, he can remember that Lu Yining's condition was pretty good at that time. Let him remember Lu Yining's whereabouts, which is really difficult.

But generally speaking, they were relieved to know that Lu Yining was fine for the time being from the doctor.

"Now at least I can be sure that Young Master Lu is not in danger!" Ruan Xiyuan took a cigarette to refresh himself after coming out of the clinic. After a busy day at work and driving non-stop after get off work, he was just too tired.

And Lu Dingning's condition is naturally not much better than him. Because Zong Jize didn't sleep well last night, she also went through intensive work and study today, and now she looks a little floaty when she walks.

Therefore, after Ruan Xiyuan lit a cigarette, he also handed one to Lu Dingning. Lu Dingning didn't refuse either, so he lit a cigarette with Ruan Xiyuan's lighter, and the two of them leaned against the front of the car and puffed up clouds to relieve their fatigue.

"As long as my brother is fine."

When a cigarette was about to burn out, Lu Dingning spoke.

"Let's have a drink tonight to celebrate?" Ruan Xiyuan suggested.

Lu Dingning obviously thought it was a good proposal, but he didn't want the phone in his pocket to ring before she could speak.

It is the new information of WeChat.

Lu Dingning opened it and found that the person who sent the message was actually Li Linxi.

Li Linxi: [Did you forget our agreement? 】


To be honest, if he hadn't sent this WeChat message, Lu Dingning would have really forgotten about their previous appointment to meet.

But how dare she really tell Li Linxi about this?

Dylan Ning: [I haven't forgotten. It will be there in a while! 】

After editing this reply, Lu Dingning shook the phone screen in front of Ruan Xiyuan again.

"It seems that we can't celebrate tonight!"

Glancing at the content on the phone screen, and knowing that Lu Dingning could not refuse the invitation of a big man like Li Linxi, Ruan Xiyuan shrugged: "Then next time."

After the two finished smoking the cigarettes in their hands, Ruan Xiyuan sent Lu Dingning to the International Trade Building...


Same as last time, when Lu Dingning arrived at the cafe on the top floor of the China World Trade Center, Li Linxi was the only one drinking coffee here.

This man's facial features are good, and the lights of thousands of houses not far away can't steal other people's attention from him, and can only be reduced to his foil.

Just when Lu Dingning was staring at the man's perfect profile, wondering what Li Linxi did to find her today, the man's eyes had already enveloped him.

I don't know if it's Lu Dingning's illusion, the way Li Linxi stared at her today seems to be more tender than before...

"What do you want?" When the man opened his mouth, he brought back Lu Dingning's wandering thoughts.

"Milk!" She went out to find her brother for a long time, but she still hasn't had dinner yet. If I drink coffee right now, my stomach will feel uncomfortable.

"Are you kidding me?" Li Linxi raised his eyebrows slightly, puzzlement and displeasure gathered in his eyes at the same time.

None of the people who talked with him dared to order milk in front of him. At least, coffee and beer.

It's just that Li Linxi's displeasure, Lu Dingning didn't seem to pay attention.

Because she and Ruan Xiyuan were on the way back to the city of Imperial City, she asked William to send her the surveillance cameras around Jin's abandoned factory and the surveillance cameras near the health center where her brother was found, and deleted the original ones.

And in those surveillance videos, Lu Dingning saw a scene where her brother walked out of the clinic.

As the doctor explained, although her brother's head was wrapped with gauze, his mental state seemed to be completely fine.

After reconfirming that her brother is well now, but he didn't know why he didn't return home, Lu Dingning was completely relieved.

As for Li Linxi in front of him, although it still seems like a mystery. But at least he wasn't as murderous as last time today.

Since this is the case, Lu Dingning felt that there was no need to wrong his stomach: "No. I haven't had dinner yet, I'm a little hungry..."

Against the backdrop of the surrounding city lights, Lu Dingning's pair of clear and smiling phoenix eyes were so beautiful that it was unreal, which made Li Linxi a little distracted for a while.

"I heard it's good to eat spicy hot pot in this weather!" Lu Dingning didn't realize that his inadvertent expression had made the person opposite him lose his mind, and he propped his chin with one hand, and murmured while looking at the flashing neon lights not far away.

Well, this weather is suitable for eating spicy hot pot, which was what Ruan Xiyuan told her on the way back.

At that time, Ruan Xiyuan talked about the spicy hot pot so much that now Lu Dingning and Li Linxi still think about the spicy hot pot when they meet. Because she has never eaten it, so she is very curious about what it tastes like...

I don't know if he was bewitched by Lu Dingning's beautiful eyes or what, Li Linxi made a decision that he didn't even think of - ordered spicy hot pot in the coffee shop on the top floor of China World Trade Center!

Since he, Li Linxi, is a character who can cause an earthquake by stomping his feet casually in the imperial city, even if the spicy hot pot is not on the menu at all, the person in charge of the coffee shop prepared it in the shortest possible time.

When the pot in front of him boiled and the bright red spicy base began to churn, Lu Dingning began to throw all kinds of ingredients into the pot with all his heart.

Although she doesn't use chopsticks well, she uses the hot pot spoons vividly. After a while, she ate the spicy and delicious meat...

"Almost finished? Let's talk about dating me!" Li Linxi suddenly opened his mouth as he stared at the person opposite who was enjoying his meal, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his lips were bright red from the heat!

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