That's right, from Lu Dingning's point of view, between her and Yi Qing, apart from Yi Qing trying to arrange a blind date for her, there is no reason for them to meet.

Therefore, Lu Dingning wanted to end this unpleasant meeting as soon as possible, so he said that.

But on Yi Qing's side, after hearing what Lu Dingning said just now, she replied like this: "No, Yining, you misunderstood. I came today to arrange another blind date for you."

"What is that?" Lu Dingning's mood was extremely bad because of being suspected for no reason.

At this moment, she has already poured down a large cup of iced coffee.

The bitter taste is occupying her taste buds.

And this taste, Lu Dingning didn't like it very much.

So at this moment, she has already started to think about whether to pack a crème brulee and eat it in an Internet cafe, so as to wash away the bitter taste between her lips and teeth.

However, when Lu Dingning was thinking about this question, Yi Qing who was seated across from her suddenly said something that made her almost spit out the coffee she just drank: "I came to see you today mainly because I want to talk to you. Said that I have no objection to you being with Ze."

Because she was too shocked, Yi Qing said this for a long time, and Lu Dingning was trying to restrain the urge to spit out the coffee.

Therefore, she never spoke to Yi Qing, but kept her eyes on Yi Qing.

During that process, Lu Dingning never blinked, as if he didn't want to miss any expression on Yi Qing's face.

"I didn't lie to you, kid!" Probably Lu Dingning's questioning eyes were so obvious that Yi Qing saw through it. Seeing that Lu Dingning did not answer, Yi Qing continued.

It was Yi Qing's addition that brought Lu Dingning back to his senses.

"Why?" Lu Dingning regained consciousness, and put the coffee cup back on the table, but she still stared at Yi Qing.

Because in her eyes, what Yi Qing did today was really unbelievable.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that you and Aze are pretty good together..." When Yi Qing said this, Lu Dingning's cell phone, which had been quiet for a while on the table, started making noise again.

And the one who made the noise was still Ji Jinge who couldn't wait for Lu Dingning in the Internet cafe.

Perhaps it was because of the uneasiness caused by the sound, Lu Dingning, who had been ignoring the phone just now, simply picked up the phone and told Ji Jinge via voice message: "Stop making noise, I'll be there in a while."

After this reply, the phone that was ringing from time to time just now became quiet again.

But after getting rid of the nagging Ji Shao on the phone, Lu Dingning put down the phone and found Yi Qing's eyes were red.

What's the matter?

At this moment, Lu Dingning suddenly realized that he couldn't understand the world anymore.

Could it be that the way she opened it today is a bit wrong?

Just when Lu Dingning began to doubt his life, Yi Qing continued to say, "Yining, please. Start over with Ze, okay?"

"Start again?" Lu Dingning scratched his black hair.

To be honest, she had taken an IQ test in country F before, and it was more than twice as high as her peers.

But the question is, why can't she understand what Yi Qing is saying with such a high IQ?

Besides, she and Zong Jize never ended.

Just last night, Zong Jize made her fried steak. After the two of them finished eating fried steak together, Zong Jize bullied her under him again, and to her...

They are like this, so why start over?

However, Yi Qing did not answer Lu Dingning's doubts, but continued to follow her thoughts: "I know, compared to A Ze, this child Jin Ge knows how to play around. But Yining, our whole life Don't you just want to find someone who knows how to love others and who is devoted to you?"

Lu Dingning's mind was completely confused.

Didn't they just talk about starting over? How come it has risen to the level of deep affection again?

"Ah Ze, I can't guarantee anything else, but I can assure you about this matter of concentration..." Afterwards, Yi Qing said a lot, and gave her an example.

As for this example, it was naturally Zong Jize's father, Zong Jingyuan, who treated her Yi Qing in various ways.

In short, Yi Qing talked a lot with Lu Dingning today, and she didn't intend to introduce a new partner to Lu Dingning. From Lu Dingning's point of view, Yi Qing's words and deeds today are more like promoting their family clan, Jize, and trying to bring the two of them together.

But listening to Yi Qing's words like Huang Po selling melons, Lu Dingning really had a headache.

In the end, Lu Dingning had to promise that she would find time to meet Zong Jize in the next two days, and after thinking about getting back together with Zong Jize, Yi Qing agreed to let her leave.

You must be wondering why Lu Dingning didn't tell Yi Qing directly that she was still with Zong Jize during this time, so that Yi Qing could rest assured?

In fact, Lu Dingning also considered telling the truth.

But the question is before this, didn't Lu Dingning personally promise Yi Qing that she would leave Zong Jize?

Moreover, in order to reassure Yi Qing, did she even create the appearance of getting along well with the blind date whom Yi Qing introduced to her?

Now tell Yi Qing directly that she is actually with Zong Jize. Doesn't that mean you slap yourself in the face? Furthermore, what if Yi Qing found out that she was just fooling her by not being with Zong Jize before, and she refused to let her be with Zong Jize?

With all these thoughts superimposed, Lu Dingning finally decided to keep Yi Qing secret.

Just like that, Yi Qing, who got Lu Dingning's promise, left, and Lu Dingning was also busy going to the Internet cafe she had agreed with Ji Jinge.

Probably because he had learned the experience and lessons of being teased by Lu Dingning after booking the venue before, the Internet cafe Lu Dingning went to was not booked by Ji Jinge this time.

When she entered, the entire internet cafe was filled with clacking and clacking keyboard sounds from time to time.

"A-Ning, come here quickly." Before Lu Dingning could wait, Ji Jinge, who had been looking at the entrance of the Internet cafe, soon noticed her coming, took off his earphones and waved to her.

"You bastard, you've been late for almost an hour. If you don't come again, my rank will drop so much that I won't even be able to participate in the qualifying round."

Under Ji Jinge's greeting, Lu Dingning, who was seated in front of the turned on computer beside him, soon received Ji Jinge's complaints like chanting scriptures.

Of course, if it were someone else who was late for nearly an hour, Ji Jinge would have left without saying a word, instead of staying here muttering and complaining.

After all, Ji Jinge's status is there, even if he really let others dove, others may not dare to complain.

On Lu Dingning's side, she didn't know if she didn't know Ji Jinge's temper, or she didn't pay attention to his little emotions at all. After she sat down, she said directly: "Stop arguing. Take out the contract, if it's appropriate If so, I'll sign it."

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