"Okay, don't worry about these things at this time. One more person will go there, and one more helper."

Just when the atmosphere in the car was getting weirder, William said.

In the end, Lu Dingning had no choice but to put away the gun that was pointed at Zong Jize's head. Because she knew that if he continued to persuade Zong Jize at this time, he would not change easily.

In this way, the cool limited-edition sports car fleet of the stepson of the Smith family entered Clive Manor.

At the same time, Shu Zhilan was still sitting in Clive's reception hall.

In front of her, there are some exquisite pastries and juices.

It looked like she was indeed a lady invited by old Clive to be a guest in the manor.

But Shu Zhilan knew clearly that the old Clive didn't do anything to her now, he just wanted to lure Lu Dingning into the bait.

Because of this, Shu Zhilan hasn't drank a drop of water or eaten a piece of pastry since she was brought into the manor.

After nearly a day without food, Shu Zhilan was really hungry and thirsty, but she still kept her back straight.

Even if she had to die, she had to die with dignity, and it was under the condition that Lu Dingning would not be hurt.

That child had already sacrificed too much for her, and Shu Zhilan didn't want her to be involved in her own death.

Furthermore, others don't know that Shu Zhilan doesn't know that Dylan Smith currently in Country F is not Lu Dingning but Lu Yining.

That child has nothing to do with the grievances and grievances here, and Shu Zhilan is even more unwilling to involve him.

"Mrs. Smith, I advise you to inform Dylan and let her know that you are now a guest at my house." The silver-haired old Clive said to Shu Zhilan with a smile.

But his smile is as hypocritical as his porcelain teeth.

In fact, even if Shu Zhilan could grit his teeth and refuse to contact Lu Dingning, old Clive still had a way to contact Lu Dingning.

Not directly contacting Lu Dingning at the moment is also a way for him to torture Shu Zhilan.

But Shu Zhilan didn't respond to Old Clive's proposal, not even raising her head.

There was no way, the long time of not eating had left her without the slightest bit of strength.

Furthermore, from Shu Zhilan's point of view, so what if she responded to old Clive? He still wouldn't let her go, he would still use her as bait to lure Lu Dingning into the bait.

Therefore, Shu Zhilan ignored it. No matter what, Shu Zhilan wanted to protect her two children.

But at this moment, the butler of the manor hurried over and reported to old Clive: "Dylan Smith is here."

This news not only shocked old Clive, but also Shu Zhilan.

What was Lu Yining thinking, how could he come here at this time?

Did you come here because you don't know the grievances and grievances between Lu Dingning and the Clive family?

When Shu Zhilan showed a panicked expression, the old Clive had already come to Shu Zhilan and praised: "Very good! I have to admit that Dylan Smith came at the right time, right Mrs. Smith?"

"You crazy old man, I don't allow you to hurt my child!" Shu Zhilan, who was afraid that Old Clive would really do something crazy to her child, suddenly grabbed the fork on the side of the plate of pastries, and was about to stab To old Clive.

But this move only made her scratch old Clive's cheek.

Soon, she was subdued by old Clive and his bodyguards, and received two slaps for it.

"Since Mrs. Smith likes this kind of interaction, then you can have fun with her." Old Clive said after gracefully wiping off the fresh blood on his cheeks with the white handkerchief handed by the housekeeper.

Immediately afterwards, under the signal of the housekeeper's eyes, those well-trained bodyguards immediately dragged Shu Zhilan to a side room.

During the whole process, Shu Zhilan did not show any panic.

That's right, Shu Zhilan was looking for death, in order not to let her child suffer.

It was also when Shu Zhilan was dragged into that room that a large number of bodyguards in black suits suddenly broke into the hall.

After entering the door, these bodyguards naturally stood on both sides of the door.

In the end, Lu Dingning, who was wearing a white suit and a pink shirt, and under the strong conflicting visual effect caused by the two colors, with a half-smile on his face, who forcefully deprived everyone present of his sight, walked in slowly. .

Even the old Clive felt a little envious of such a ostentation.

Because this kid is really outstanding.

Country F has taken over the heirs of the family business just like her in recent years, but the combined demeanor is still less than one-thousandth of her.

Even Donald, who was previously designated as the heir of the family by the old Clive, would be trampled under his feet by this guy.

Currently, the Clive family is still in his hands, and they have been suppressed by Lu Dingning for this virtue.

It was hard for old Clive to imagine what he would be like in a hundred years.

In order to prevent the supreme Clive family in his eyes from becoming one of the thousands of Smith vassal families, the old Clive planned to block his life today and get rid of Lu Dingning.

"Dylan Smith? What a rarity, your presence makes me..." Old Clive thought and began to talk to the charming young man.

It's a pity that the young man didn't mean to be polite to him.

"Mr. Clive, I think we should have something more important to say than these polite words." After Lu Dingning entered the hall, he sat directly on the sofa without the owner's permission.

Moreover, under the bright suit, this guy looks more arrogant and dazzling than before. Especially the light smile on the corner of her lips, which is provocative and seductive.

Those who don't know the situation she is currently facing probably think that this guy is the king of Clive Manor after seeing such a scene.

It was this arrogance that annoyed Old Clive.

At present, the initiative is still in his hands, but this guy is so arrogant that he seems to have taken control of the overall situation. That awe-inspiring feeling makes people wonder what kind of evil this guy will be when he grows up every time he sees it.

But no matter who it is, even the old Clive, when he sees her, he will feel that she will be the overlord of the shopping malls in Country F for the next fifty years.

It was precisely this kind of thinking that made old Clive not hesitate to take his own life, but also to eradicate him.

With his complexion changing slightly, Old Clive winked at the butler. The butler quietly edited the message on his mobile phone and sent it.

A moment later, a heart-piercing shout came from a certain room.

This voice made the smile on the corner of Lu Dingning's lips stop suddenly...

Because she recognized that it was her mother Shu Zhilan's voice.

These goddamn guys!

"Dylan, Mrs. Smith happened to be a guest at my manor. But don't worry, I will take good care of Mrs. Smith." Old Clive said with a smile, admiring Lu Dingning's frozen smile.

That's right, he was going to tear away the layers of camouflage of his stepson step by step in this way, so that this guy was like a little chicken that had lost its feathers, and let him slaughter it.

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