
In the dark basement, Lu Dingning slowly woke up.

The moment he opened his eyes, what Lu Dingning felt was the pain in his neck, and the pain in his two knees.

When he regained his strength, Lu Dingning immediately got up.

Because she remembered that she was taken from the party by Paul to this secret room that only Smith's heir could enter, saying that Old Smith wanted to talk to her about the speeches at today's party.

For things like this, when she started to take over the Smith family, Old Smith often called her into the secret room to talk, so Lu Dingning did not suspect him.

But the elder brother Lu Yining still stayed at the party as a woman. Lu Dingning, who was worried that his brother would suffer, removed several bodyguards to the party to watch before entering the secret room, leaving only Cagle to guard outside the secret room.

In this way, Lu Dingning entered this secret room that she had entered countless times before.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered, someone attacked her from behind and hit her hard on the back of the head with a stick, causing her to faint on the ground.

The only thing Lu Dingning was lucky about was that she remembered that she was lying on her stomach before she fainted. When she woke up now, she was still lying on her stomach.

In other words, the person who knocked her unconscious in the secret room should not have discovered her gender.

But even so, Lu Dingning quickly walked towards the exit of the secret room at the first moment.

The person who knocked her out here, although he didn't touch her before, will definitely come after that person finishes his work.

As for the person who knocked her out, Lu Dingning already had the answer in his mind—Old Smith.

But why the old man suddenly went crazy, Lu Dingning can't control it for the time being.

Because although the space in this secret room is large, it is completely enclosed and the oxygen is very limited.

She had to get out of this damn place before she ran out of oxygen.

But when Lu Dingning came to the entrance of this secret room, she suddenly found that the key to the secret room in her trouser pocket was missing.


Not just her keys, but her phone too.

Furthermore, what made Lu Dingning feel even more creepy was that there were several bouquets of lilies on both sides of the entrance.

These flowers did not exist at all when Lu Dingning entered the secret room. If Lu Dingning saw these flowers that would cause her to have a severe allergic reaction, Lu Dingning would never enter this secret room.

These flowers should have been placed here after she fainted. This can also be seen from the freshness of these lilies.

The appearance of these lilies also made Lu Dingning understand one thing.

Old Smith really wanted to kill her this time. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to suffocate her with the secret room, and I wanted to use lily flowers to make her have an allergic reaction...

But her allergy to lilies is only known to the few closest people around her.

How did old Smith know?

But right now, Lu Dingning really couldn't care less about these things.

After thinking twice, Lu Dingning resolutely pushed away the bouquets and came to the front of the secret room door.

An allergic reaction, which could leave her debilitated or even dead.

But not going forward to ask for help still means that death is approaching.

The mortality rate of the former is quite high, but the mortality rate of the latter is almost 100%.

Lu Dingning has lived in the Smith Manor for so many years, so he knows very well that no one else dares to approach this place except for the heirs of the Smith family.

Moreover, the place where this secret room was built was located in a relatively remote area of ​​Smith Manor. Usually, almost no one passes by this corner.

Even some servants who have stayed in the manor for nearly ten years don't even know there is such a place.

If you foolishly wait for others to come to rescue in such a place, you will definitely end up dead.

Therefore, Lu Dingning still chose to take risks, so at least she still has a chance.

"Hey, Kagel, are you outside?" Lu Dingning started to shout after breaking away the lilies in front of him.

"Kagel?" Lu Dingning yelled while trying to kick the door with his fists and feet.

But the door of this secret room is made of stone, no matter how hard Lu Dingning exerted on it, the door will not budge.

And Lu Dingning, who was trying to climb on the stone gate, couldn't hear the outside world at all.

At this moment, Lu Dingning panicked inexplicably.

She has inherited the Smith family for so many years, and this is the first time she feels so close to death.

But she didn't want to die at all.

She promised them in the last video with her grandparents that she would make time to go back and watch them.

She hasn't seen RM Group's acquisition of Jin's with her own eyes, so that her father has no worries.

When she was shopping with her brother this morning, she made an appointment to eat the pumpkin egg tart she made by herself in her mother's room after the party tonight.

She didn't achieve any of these!

And Zong Jize. She also promised before that she would take him around country F when the time was over.

Yi Qing said that the men in the clan are very infatuated. Once you love someone, it's a lifetime.

If she really can't come back to him alive this time, how will he spend the rest of his life...


She can't die.

Thinking of this, Lu Dingning raised his fist again and slammed it on the stone door: "Hey, is there anyone outside? Open the door..."

The team led by Zong Jize and William had already arrived near the secret room.

Compared with the other bodyguards in Smith Manor, the team led by William was the one who Lu Dingning had been in the convoy every day before, and they only obeyed Lu Dingning.

In other words, this bodyguard team was cultivated by Lu Dingning himself, and they are only loyal to Lu Dingning. The rest of the Smith family did not have the right to use them.

When approaching the secret room, Zong Jize suddenly asked William: "William, you know that Ding Ning and Yining are twins, right?"

Zong Jize seemed to be asking William, but in fact he used an affirmative tone.

As for William, who was being asked, his body was obviously a little stiff.

In fact, even Lu Dingning himself didn't know that William knew about this matter. But how could Zong Jize...

"Your talent in computers, I don't believe you can't see this." When William's pace stopped because of his words, Zong Jize continued to walk forward, and continued: "Let's talk , if Ding Ning is really a boy, you will definitely not let Martha get close to her."

"Others think that Ding Ning is using you to do things, but in fact it is you who are using her."

Zong Jize's words made William's blue eyes flash a little uncomfortable, but he said: "Where did you see that I was using her? I didn't!"

"Aren't you using her to get close to Martha? As far as I know, before you met Ding Ning, you and Martha met very rarely throughout the year."

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