Hearing that Dr. Mei Lin didn't tell Lu Dingning's situation directly, but wanted her to get rid of irrelevant people in the house, Shu Zhilan's expression was a bit complicated.

However, based on the understanding of Shu Zhilan and Dr. Mei Lin's relationship for many years, she quickly realized that Dr. Mei Lin probably wanted to say something about Lu Dingning's relative privacy.

So, after Shu Zhilan nodded towards Dr. Meilin, she said to William, Jonathan and others who followed them just now: "Dylan is out of danger now, I have worked hard for you today, you should go back and rest first. Dylan will wake up later , I will let you know."

With Shu Zhilan's words, Lu Dingning's bodyguards left one by one.

Before leaving, William reminded Zong Jize: "Don't forget you promised me."

Zong Jize nodded, but did not make a sound.

Before knowing what happened to Lu Dingning's body, Zong Jize really didn't have the mood to talk about anything else.

William also seemed to understand his current state of mind, so after getting his nod in agreement, he turned and left.

After making sure that all irrelevant people had left, Shu Zhilan immediately turned around and came to Dr. Meilin: "Honey, what's wrong with Dylan's body?"

When she asked this sentence, Shu Zhilan's eyes were red, and tears poured out directly.

"Zhilan, Dylan's life is not in danger now. Don't worry, don't cry." As Shu Zhilan's friend for many years, Dr. Mei Lin hurried forward to give her a hug when she saw Shu Zhilan's emotional breakdown.

"If there's nothing wrong with Dylan's body, then why do you..." Dr. Meilin's expression was very strange, as if Lu Dingning had some serious hidden disease on his body, which he couldn't tell others about.

Shu Zhilan really didn't understand this point.

And Dr. Mei Lin, who gave Shu Zhilan a hug, let go of his hand at this moment and looked at Zong Jize.

"Dylan is pregnant, do you know what that means?" Dr. Merlin's tone was really bad. Especially her expression at the moment, as if she wished to cut Zong Jize into pieces.

Dr. Mei Lin has been by Shu Zhilan and Lu Dingning's side for many years.

Now the mother and daughter's feelings for Dr. Merlin are no longer as simple as they are for a family doctor. They treated her more like family.

Similarly, Dr. Mei Lin, who watched Lu Dingning grow up and watched her go through so many hardships to achieve what she is today, no longer regards Lu Dingning as her employer, but her daughter.

It was precisely because he did not regard Lu Dingning as an outsider that Dr. Mei Lin was so annoyed at Zong Jize when he found out that Lu Dingning was still pregnant during the examination.

Because she knew that pregnancy meant a greater risk to Lu Dingning!

Moreover, pregnancy produces more changes in a woman's body structure.

After the pregnancy is over, it is difficult for Lu Dingning's body to return to its current state...

If Lu Dingning was really allowed to give birth to this child, what would she do with her heavy status in the future?

Dr. Meilin was so annoyed precisely because he had considered all these issues for Lu Dingning.

And Shu Zhilan and Lu Yining were a little confused after hearing these words from Dr. Mei Lin.

"Dylan's pregnant? Is it true?"

"Really. I didn't lie to you..." After Dr. Mei Lin finished answering, he turned his attention to Zong Jize again: "What are you thinking? She is still so young, and she still has so many things on her shoulders. How can you get her pregnant at this time?"

As for Zong Jize, after hearing from Dr. Mei Lin that Lu Dingning was still pregnant, his mind went blank.

That's right, in fact, he had suspected that the girl might be pregnant after knowing about Lu Dingning's recent physical conditions, but all this was far less shocking than hearing the result with his own ears.

His Ning Ning is really giving birth to offspring for him...

Zong Jize didn't know how to describe that feeling for a moment.

He was indeed worried about Lu Dingning's physical condition, but he couldn't help feeling a little bit of anticipation in this worry, looking forward to the little life that would flow the same blood as Lu Dingning's to come into this world...

Zong Jize didn't come back to his senses until he was reprimanded by Dr. Mei Lin.

"I didn't expect Ningning to be pregnant at this time." Zong Jize took a deep breath and began to speak.

As he said, in fact, when the two of them made out, they were all prepared.

For this reason, the two also bought a whole shopping cart of TT.

But the child still arrives because of one of their oversights.

Zong Jize even firmly believed that the arrival of the child might be an opportunity for Ningning, an opportunity to help her get rid of this damn identity...

It's just that before Zong Jize had time to express his thoughts, Dr. Mei Lin said directly: "Since the child is still young, I will remove it for her in a while."

Zong Jize, who heard this, immediately said, "I disagree."

"You don't agree? Don't you know how dangerous this situation is for Dylan?" The emotional Dr. Meilin also said to Shu Zhilan: "Besides, the child's condition is not stable now. Take it away at this time, everything is still In time."

Every doctor wants to save every day of life.

If possible, Dr. Merlin also hoped that this child would come to this world safely.

But after staying by Lu Dingning's side for so many years, she knows better than anyone how dangerous Lu Dingning's side is.

She is still pregnant now, once she is discovered by her previous enemies, the consequences will be disastrous.

And Dr. Mei Lin has been guarding Lu Dingning for so many years, he really can't watch Lu Dingning die!

"I know how dangerous pregnancy is for her, but I will protect her!" Hearing that Dr. Mei Lin had been trying to get Lu Dingning to abort the child, Zong Jize became obviously agitated and his voice raised Not a lot.

"Protection, what protection do you use? Haven't you seen what's going on around her?" Dr. Mei Lin hadn't participated in Lu Dingning's rescue before, so she didn't know how Lu Dingning was rescued.

Therefore, when Dr. Mei Lin heard that Zong Jize wanted to do such a dangerous act as letting Lu Dingning keep the child, her voice also raised a lot.

"I can protect her with my life. If anyone wants to hurt her and the child, they can step on my dead body!"

When Zong Jize said this, a pair of falcons were covered with scarlet.

Rather than saying that he and Dr. Meilin were discussing how to deal with the child in Lu Dingning's stomach, it would be better to say that the two of them were arguing.

Neither Shu Zhilan nor Lu Yining knew how to persuade them. Because they didn't know whether Lu Dingning should let Lu Dingning keep the child in his stomach at this time.

It was also at this time that Lu Dingning's bedroom door opened.

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