"I don't eat grapes now." Lu Dingning frowned as he watched Zong Jize skillfully peel the grapes.

I don't know if it's because she ate a lot of grapes in the past two days, but just looking at these grapes now makes her teeth feel weak.

Zong Jize, who had already peeled a grape and planned to put it in Lu Dingning's mouth, froze when he heard her words.

"you sure?"

After confirming her pregnancy, Lu Dingning's pregnancy reaction was a bit severe during this period, and she couldn't eat anything except grapes.

It was precisely because of knowing this that Zong Jize chose to send grapes to Lu Dingning at this time.

But she actually said that she doesn't want to eat grapes at all now?

"Sure. Take these out first." Lu Dingning felt his teeth hurt just by looking at the plate of grapes.

Zong Jize's face at the moment was so gloomy that he couldn't see it.

You think Lu Dingning ruined his well-prepared sabotage plan like this, no wonder he is in a good mood.

But right now, Zong Jize couldn't just rely on it, it would make him look too purposeful.

Therefore, even though he was unwilling in every possible way, Zong Jize could only walk out with the plate of grapes.

After Lu Dingning sent Zong Jize away, Will stood behind Lu Dingning again and picked up the scissors.

"Dylan, what length do you think is more suitable?" Through the mirror in front of him, Will took a comb and gestured at Lu Dingning's bangs, and met Lu Dingning's eyes in the mirror.

"You can figure it out, I believe in you." Lu Dingning in the mirror smiled at him. And her answer was the same as before. Every time her hair is handed over to Will to take care of it.

"Well, I will definitely make you beautiful!" Will was very satisfied with Lu Dingning's 100% trust.

Will, who picked up the scissors again, had obvious arcs on the corners of his lips.

Ke Weier picked up the scissors again, only cut off a strand of hair from Lu Dingning's bangs, and the door of the hairstyle room was knocked again.

Will could only helplessly put down the scissors again and opened the door.

It was still Zong Jize.

This time, what he brought was a soup of tremella and lotus seeds.

"You didn't eat anything at noon, drink this." Zong Jize walked in with the bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup, and brought it to Lu Dingning.

"No, I don't think I can eat it now." After she was pregnant, her appetite was very tricky. As long as it didn't suit her appetite, she would basically spit it out after eating it.

But now, that bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup made her feel sick.

"Then what do you want to eat? I'll bring it to you." Being rejected again, Zong Jize's eyes became a little complicated when he looked at the bowl of tremella and lotus seed soup in his hand.

Before, he thought it would be easy to find a chance to stay in this hairstyle. But now it seems that this is not an ordinary difficulty.

"I'm not hungry at all right now, I'll tell you when I need it." When Lu Dingning said this, he didn't forget to add: "By the way, I'm not thirsty now, and you don't need to feed me for the time being." Bring drinks."

Otherwise, let him go on like this, I don't know when he will get this hair.

But upon hearing Lu Dingning's words, Zong Jize's face was completely unreadable.

That's right, just now Zong Jize really planned that Lu Dingning didn't want to eat, so he went to find something she wanted to drink.

Unexpectedly, Lu Dingning seemed to have detected his intentions in advance, and directly killed his thoughts in the cradle.

At this moment, he became a little dazed and didn't know what to respond to Lu Dingning.

How did he get out of this hairstyle, even Zong Jize himself didn't know.

When he came back to his senses, he had already left the hair room with the bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup, and he was like a walking dead...

Zong Jize left again, allowing Will to continue with the matter at hand.

This time, he picked up the scissors and started cutting Lu Dingning's bangs.

While the scissors were flying, a lot of hairs floated out from Lu Dingning's bangs, and fell on the smooth cloth she was wearing.

"Dylan, I think he might want to stay with you." Will seemed to be chatting with Lu Dingning while cutting Lu Dingning's hair.

In fact, Will, who is also a man, naturally knew the purpose of what Zong Jize did.

Moreover, he also noticed that Zong Jize was a little sad and angry because of Lu Dingning's ignorance just now, so he reminded Lu Dingning of this.

Although Will also hated Zong Jize for taking away his lifelong love, he still did these things for Zong Jize.

After all, it was because of Lu Dingning.

Will was worried that the man was in a bad mood and would make Lu Dingning unhappy, so he was doing this.

But he didn't want to, Lu Dingning just hummed softly, indicating that she knew this too.

That's right, Lu Dingning also knew why Zong Jize showed up twice before he just sat down in the chair in the hairstyle room.

Just leave him here, when will her hair be tossed?

Therefore, in order to avoid sitting here forever, Lu Dingning could only let Zong Jize leave first.

After a while, she fixed her hair, and it's not too late to coax him.

As for Will, after getting such an answer from Lu Dingning's mouth, apart from being a little shocked, he was also a little bit excited.

Seeing Zong Jize being so abused by Lu Dingning, Will's mentality instantly became more balanced.

Because of his good mood, Will's operation of the scissors has also accelerated a lot.

When he trimmed Lu Dingning's hair a little bit, and was about to start extending Lu Dingning's hair, he lowered his head and realized that someone had fallen asleep.

"It's still the same as before..." Seeing Lu Dingning's sleeping profile, Will muttered quietly.

Every time Lu Dingning cuts his hair, he falls asleep before he lasts halfway.

Same this time.

Moreover, because of her pregnancy, she slept more deeply than ever before.

After staring at Lu Dingning's charming sleeping face for several minutes, Will opened a drawer on one side and took out several documents from it.

While Lu Dingning was still playing chess with Duke Zhou, Will quietly picked up the index finger of her right hand and poked it into the ink pad box, and then quickly printed the index finger with the bright red ink pad on his document.

Even after such actions were repeated, Will quickly put away the document with Lu Dingning's fingerprints on it, put it in the drawer, and took out a tissue to gently wipe off the ink pad on Lu Dingning's index finger.

After finishing this series of sneaky things, Will returned to Lu Dingning's back and began to receive Lu Dingning's hair...

When Lu Dingning woke up, her hair had already been cut in sevens and eights, and Will was still busy squatting behind her.

Seeing her open her eyes, Will greeted her with a smile: "Hey Dylan, get up and see how it works."

After hearing Will's words, Lu Dingning recalled that she was getting her hair done before, so she stretched out her hand to grab her hair, wanting to see what length Will gave her.

But when Lu Dingning stretched out his hand, his gaze didn't fall on his long hair, but on the index finger of his right hand...

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