The Name of Eternity

Chapter 168 The demon visits

The western border of Liangzhou.

On the towering city wall a hundred feet high, soldiers wearing black armor stood in rows and were heavily guarded.

In the city, many large-scale war weapons are being assembled, as well as huge dragons, elephants and lions, dragging war carriages as huge as small buildings, transported from the territory, filled with arrows, weapons, and grain.

In the military camp, everyone performed their duties, patrolling and standing guard.

One after another, war eagles flew back to the military camp from abroad, bringing back the news they had discovered.

"It's strange that these demons have stopped moving."

In the military camp, Li Xuanli sat on the general's seat, frowning in thought.

The news detected the group of monsters 800 miles away and retreated towards the east.

This group of monsters had been hovering in the Western Territory for a long time, attacking from time to time. There were three big monsters of the Three Immortals Realm lurking inside. Their actions seemed to deliberately provoke them and attract them to rush through the defense line and pursue them, but he was not fooled.

Now, this group of demons chose to retreat, which was a bit unexpected.

Combined with other intelligence, could this possibility of an attack by demons from outside Liangzhou really be a cover-up?

Its purpose is to contain their Li family's military strength?


A figure ran into the military camp tent, it was Li Wushuang.

Seeing his precious daughter, Li Xuanli's frown relaxed and he chuckled:

"Before, outside the defense line, I heard that you led a team to kill a group of demons. How was it? How do you feel?"

When mentioning this matter, Li Wushuang suddenly said angrily: "They are just a bunch of little monsters."

Li Xuanli snickered in his heart, if he hadn't known it was a little demon, he wouldn't have let you take action.

"Although it is a little demon, you should not pursue it too deeply. You have to know that in the military camp, there is a mountain of military discipline. The demon is cunning beyond your imagination. Especially the demon that comes to invade the border has a military advisor behind it. Treat them like cunning ghosts," Li Xuanli taught.

"I know."

Li Wushuang said: "I came to you to talk about this. I got information from one of the little monsters. They are pretending to attack, but in fact they have retreated."


Li Xuanli raised his eyebrows and said, "How did you find that little demon?"

"I went to see the torture chamber before and learned a little bit," Li Wushuang said.

Li Xuanli was speechless and smiled slightly: "Why do you go to a torture chamber in a girl's house? It's so dirty and messy... However, this matter still needs to be discussed. I will investigate again."

"Still investigating?"

Li Wushuang was surprised.

"Of course." Li Xuanli said angrily: "The group of little monsters you are asked to kill are at the highest level of the Immortal Ascension Realm. How can monsters at this level know any battle plan? They are just cannon fodder in a fight. Unless they know it, It was those big demons who intentionally let them know."

Li Wushuang was startled, "Dad, are you saying this is a plan within a plan?"

Li Xuanli nodded slightly: "But it may be that I am overly worried. In short, I will investigate again, and you can rest peacefully."

"All right."

Seeing this, Li Wushuang had no choice but to nod and leave.

After she left, Li Xuanli's face became serious. He thought for a moment, then called his attendant and asked him to write two letters.

Send a letter to Qingzhou, telling Qingzhou to beware of demonic actions.

The other letter was sent to Li Tiangang in the east.

"If this demon is a cover, its target is Qingzhou. If it is a real attack, this retreat may be an attack on the eastern border. I don't know what the situation is over there in Tiangang..."

His eyes flickered, and suddenly, he thought of something again, and asked the general to write another letter and send it to Tianmen Pass.

"That child, although he has just driven away the three-headed demon king, this demon king has a grudge and will probably vent his anger in Liangzhou. He may also collude with other demon kings to attack Tianmen Pass. The traces of Longmen It is revealed that the Holy Palace and the Li family have had an old feud for many years, and they may send someone here..."

"He has to be careful."

Liangzhou, Eastern Front.

The Great Wall of black stone stretched endlessly, covering the entire battle line.

Six hundred miles outside the city, two figures whizzed over, their auras restrained. One of them was covered in a luxurious red gold robe, with a face as beautiful as jade, handsome and luxurious.

The other man was wearing a black robe and hoodie, his whole body shrouded in shadow.

"The place ahead is where Li Tiangang is guarding."

The man in black robe said in a low voice: "Fengshan Lord, I know you want revenge, but even if you rush over now, you may not be able to kill Li Tiangang. There is a magic circle on the border. With our strength, we cannot easily break it." ”

"On the contrary, this attack will alarm them and scare them away."

The noble man in red gold robe is none other than Lord Fengshan who escaped from Li Hao's hands.

His eyes were burning with golden flames, and when he saw the military camp within the defense line through the void, his eyes were full of murderous intent:

"I know. I promised you that I would not easily destroy your plans."

Hearing this, the man in black robe relaxed a little and said with a smile: "Fengshan Lord, don't worry, the elders of our clan will leave seclusion in a year, and they will conquer Liangzhou, and by the way, I can help you clean up the place." boy."

Fengshan Jun said in a cold voice: "Take care of that kid, let's talk about it later. This Li Tiangang will be tortured to death by my own hands!"

"no problem."

The man in black robe smiled and agreed.

Fengshan Jun took a deep look at the defense line in the distance, feeling resentful in his heart, but he still restrained himself.

There is the Li family's army over there, and they may not be able to break through the formation in a short while.

Inside Tianmen Pass.

Seven hundred people are willing to join the army and guard Cangya City and this pass.

Li Hao collected them, registered them, and submitted the household registration list to the military governor of Liangzhou, the fifth uncle, Li Xuanli.

He was assigned to guard Liangzhou, and he also took over as the military governor here. He had the power to dispatch the troops of various cities in Liangzhou, including the city guards of each city. Any orders given by him must be obeyed unconditionally.

This list needs to be entered and reviewed by him, otherwise these soldiers died in the battle. If Li Hao did not come forward, no one would collect their bodies and set up monuments for them, and they could only be regarded as knights who died in the battle, lonely ghosts.

Returned soon.

Li Hao then received the old man from Xingxiu Official, and accompanied by him, started testing the magic circle of Cangya City.

This is a border city. The level of the array is the Five Mysterious Star Array. Five great demon war spirits at the peak of three immortals are sealed inside. With the help of the power of the heaven and earth stars, they are amplified, barely comparable to those of two Taoist state of mind demon kings. Combat strength.

It is no problem to defend against the attack of a demon king alone. It can last for at least half a day.

In addition, all the soldiers in the city can also inject power into the magic circle to once again increase the power of their fighting spirits. They can also borrow power from the magic circle to let the fighting spirits inside bless themselves, greatly increasing the commander's combat power.

"Major General, please check."

As the magic circle was activated, Li Hao saw the phantoms of the five demons' war spirits emerging from various places in the city, including the four walls and the center of the city.

These fighting spirits are consumables for the magic circle, and they are also the accumulated results of the royal family for thousands of years.

Li Hao flew out of the city and saw that the whole city was covered by a magic circle. Attacking from any place, the five-headed demons could use the power of the magic circle to arrive at one place instantly and launch attacks at the same time.

"Then I'll just give it a try."

Li Hao said.

Whether the formation structure is defective depends on whether the fighting spirit can exert corresponding combat power.

Li Hao did not use the Dragon Sky Sword, but raised his hand and punched out.

The fist absorbs the power of the surrounding world and turns into a huge fist seal, suppressing it.

On the top of the city, everyone was full of excitement and anticipation at first, but as the punch continued to expand, everyone's expressions became solemn and tense.


The five demons roared and rushed forward.

However, under the suppression of the fist, the five demons were like mountain-shaking little beasts. They were unable to stop the fist in the slightest, and were suppressed and retreated steadily.

Bang bang bang!

All five demon war spirits collided with the golden shield of the magic circle, causing ripples of light to ripple, and the color of the magic circle seemed to have become much lighter.

Li Hao quickly retracted his strength and flew back.

The old man from Xingxiu Official looked at Li Hao blankly, and it took him a while to react, and said:

"Major General, did you use all your strength?"


Li Hao shook his head. He just punched casually, with only 30% of his strength.

The old Xingxiu officer was slightly startled, then frowned, looked around at the secret formation patterns on the city wall, and murmured: "It shouldn't be..."

Li Hao also felt that the five big demons should not be so weak, and immediately comforted them: "Senior, don't be anxious. Check again slowly. Maybe there is a small problem somewhere."

The old man Xingxu Guan thought about it and felt so.

Although Li Hao's attack just now was intimidating and powerful, he felt that even if Li Hao reached the Four Standing Realm, he should not be able to suppress these five demons so easily. There should be a problem with the power transmission of the magic circle.

"Excuse me, Major General. I'll check again."

The old man Xingxiu Official said.

Xia Xianglan suddenly felt guilty. Could it be that there was something wrong with the secret pattern she had carved earlier?

Li Hao said goodbye to the old Xingxiu official, and then found the warriors who had previously enlisted in the army and asked them to purchase a batch of fabrics to make military flags. The larger the quantity, the better.

The next day.

Li Hao received news from the Governor of Liangzhou Military Department that all 700 people had been admitted into the army.

In addition, I also received a home letter from the fifth uncle, every word of concern, warning him to be careful and guard against the demon king's revenge.

Li Hao sighed, put away the letters from home, and asked Ren Qianqian to put them in the wooden box in his room.

That afternoon, a flying bird came to the pass and asked the soldiers guarding the pass to meet Li Hao.

The demon visited, which was something Li Hao never thought about, so he immediately announced it.

The bird demon turned into a child of seven or eight years old, wearing orange plain clothes. When the soldiers led him into the small fenced courtyard, he saw the girl practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard, and the girl sitting in front of the bench on the other side, casually A boy tracing a painting.

At the young man's feet, there was a little white fox lying down, looking at him lazily.

The boy was frightened by the sight and came to Li Hao nervously:

"Young Master, Major General."

"From Tianji Palace?"

Li Hao was tracing the corpse of the ghost lady in the distance to gain experience in painting. He didn't look back and just said lightly.

There are spirits sitting cross-legged in the sky, monitoring the surroundings. Li Hao can also see the ugly and swollen corpse of the ghost girl by jumping over the wall of the small courtyard.

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