
The Empire of Samuel.

The only place with four separate seasons was Samuel Le’s Empire, which was considered to be the most intimidating empire to other nations and the most peaceful haven for its people.

In the present Samuel Empire’s system, two famous persons could be identified simply by their names.

Emperor Roshan Samuel, known as the cruelest and most merciless tyrant of all time.

He was the only emperor among the succeeding emperors who did not have a middle name and did not give a middle name to the princes.

In general, the lack of a middle name for the imperial line means that the history is small, but the Samuel Empire had a unique background.

The Samuel Empire, which has a history of almost 1300 years, was devastated at the start of its foundation due to drought and unnamed imperial lineages, but it improved dramatically with the arrival of the 5th emperor and eventually began to sall the

The sun, which was scorching hot, was gradually enveloped by clouds, and a fresh wind cooled the scorching land.

In addition, as the sunset and the moon rose, the flames rising from the gaps in the cracked soil destroyed all of the unidentified monsters who t

Plant growth was the first slope to appear in the empire, which was steadily gaining stabilit

Because it was hard for plants to grow on barren land due to insufficient rainfall, the Empire’s people were unable to gather necessary materials.

Although they could receive ingredients from merchants who came in on occasion, it was difficult for the impoverished people of the imperial people, who risked their lives to make money by traveling from one region to another, to purchase sufficient ingredients with such a small amount of money.

They finally had a chance to farm, and the 5th emperor took advantage of the situation by distributing a modest number of seedlings to the people of the empire.

All of this was made possible by the spirit, who made a contract with the royal family of Samuel.

In reality, a spirit is a being who is also known as a god’s deputy. To protect the humans from whom God cannot descend from the divine realm, he granted the will of God to the spirits born in nature, allowing them to enter into contracts with humanity.

The spirits were split into four classes: king, upper class, middle class, and lower class, and the more people God loved, the more they could sign a contract with a higher class spirit.

The successive Samuel royal family did not receive much affection from the gods, so they signed a contract with a low-ranking spirit, or the empire was destroyed by many royal families who were unable to form a contract with a spirit at all, but all changed because of the 5th emperor.

When the 5th emperor and his princes were born, the devastated region began to change gradually, and the people of the empire praised the emperor and prince as if they were gods.

A second slope arose in the empire that saw the light in this way.

Until recently, only three princes were born in Samuel’s royal castle, and no princesses were ever born.

The 5th emperor also had two princes, and it was expected that another prince would be born from the pregnant empress later.

The seedlings buried in the ruined land did not disappear, but they grew slowly and rotted people’s heads.

The people of the Empire began to refer to the princess as a saint from that point forward.

It’s not as if the present 21st emperor of the Samuel Empire, which has a long history, didn’t have a middle name from the start.

The present emperor ascended to the throne by directly killing the former emperor and biological father, and the current emperor, who rose by treading on his father, who had killed him with his own hands, began to conquer other countries around him. Was expanded to take up half of the map

If such an emperor was the most renowned, the next most famous person was a commoner.


She was the most popular woman on the island, and she was renowned for her captivating dance.

Her lovely pink hair and matching pink eyes were reminiscent of her cherry blossoms, and it would be an exaggeration to claim that all the men who saw her fell in love with her.

She desired her from renowned noble families to emperors of other countries, and the person she chose was the present emperor of the Samuel Empire.


The first person she met in the pitch-black darkness was a woman with bright, rich pink flowing hair that contrasted with the darkness.

When she stared at me, those round, somewhat droopy eyes shined brightly.

I’ll never forget how she smiled brightly and brightly when I met her eyes with a delighted smile.

“Hello, baby. Mom’s here.”

I couldn’t understand what she was saying to me.

She kissed my cheek as she reacted to the warmth of that voice by lightly clasping her hand and opening it.

It was so black that she couldn’t tell if she had her eyes closed or not, except when the maids came in and turned on the lights. My mother always looked after me, even when it was dark.

She often didn’t know what she was saying [even when she didn’t react, glanced to see if I was all right, and caressed her head with a warm touch.

The soothing words and gentle touch lulled me to sleep, and when I closed and opened my eyes, I saw my mother dozing off at a table in the distance.

She clapped her hands as hard as she could to awaken her mother, feeling sorry for her mother’s nodding in an awkward position.

She seemed puzzled for a time, then grinned as brightly as when we first met.

“Did you wake up my pretty baby because you were bored?”

It was also something I didn’t understand, but it looked good and I was relieved, so every time I called my mother, I clapped as hard as I could.

She would tell me she was going to teach me something and then bring me a picture and show it to me.

However, my mother, who was always happy and beautiful, began to act strangely one day.

She sat in the corner of her room, a dark expression on her face instead of her usual smile, and cried miserably.

When I saw her mother like that, I clapped my hands and called her, but she only cried and didn’t look at me.

She then on to talk that she suddenly grabbed her head and yelled while eating and throwing the dishes on her table.

My mother, who did not look after me, gradually came into the room less frequently.

One day, two days, four days, seven days…

All the maids that came to look after me instead of my mother had gloomy expressions on their faces, and Jang, the maid who served her mother, displayed exhaustion and resignation.

When even the maid left my mother’s side, my mother went insane. She inflicted her anger on the maid, who looked after her well, and when her maid ran in terror, her arrows were directed at her to me.

She was so sick, difficult, and pained that she couldn’t put it into words, and she desperately wanted to die.

But in the back of my mind, I chose to let go of my wish to die and accept it, fervently hoping that my mother would smile and look at me tomorrow with a beautiful smile.

I attempted to get used to the pain by falling off the bed while no one was in the room, but the more I did it, the worse it got. I don’t want to be affected by anything. I’m not interested in seeing anything.

I prayed tirelessly in the sleep surrounded by endless darkness, and when I woke, all I saw was a black world.

At first, I assumed it was late at night or early in the morning because there was no one there and the lights were turned out.

When I finally got up and sat down and looked around the room, it was an ordinary room with no windows and only walls surrounding by walls.

There was only the bed where I slept and the table where my mother used to eat in the lonely room with nothing, and the light of the room was lit by a chandelier when mother or maid came in.

Soon after, there was a sound as if someone had entered and the door had been opened.

I expected the room to become brighter, but it didn’t, and I assumed the pain would resume.

However, I didn’t feel any pain, as if to repay what I had worked so hard to become numb to up until this point.

I became aware that my eyes could no longer be seen, and the idea of time vanished.

Following that, a similar daily routine was repeated, but because I was no longer in pain, the number of times rose day by day, and the maids began to resemble that mother.

At first, the maids’ actions were straightforward. But when I didn’t respond, they became more and more random.

She smiled as she ate strange food that she didn’t recognize and dragged me away before I could finish it.

The only time I felt at ease in the room full of the fishy smell of iron was when everyone left and went to bed when it was silent.

Tomorrow, if I go into my dream expecting my mother to smile beautifully once more, I will be tormented by other people.

It was identical to what my mother and maids did, but unlike reality, the persons who hit me in my nightmares were all my age.

I said they were my age, but based on the similarities in my eyes, I assumed they were.

In reality, I was pain-free, yet it pained in my nightmares no matter what. I couldn’t even resist in the dream, so I yelled and screamed, and even though I was in the dream, I was able to return to reality when I went insane.

As I finally regained my composure from the outside noisy environment today, a distinct aura filled the place.

There was a time when the maids who came into my room shortly after I was born called to me as an illegitimate child and made a lot of noise.

My mother was previously known as the goddess of dancers, and she fell in love at first sight with my father, and I recall hearing stories about her seducing him to become Empress.

There were times when the maids were loud like this, moments when my mother attacked me for a long time, and times when I was very loud about what I lacked and often threw things…

A strange scream came from outside the room, not from my throat, and there was a terrible and sharp sound that was equal to the sound of a glass breaking from the chamber that I had ever heard.

At first, I thought it was the sound of my mother screaming.

I dismissed it as insignificant because maids bother me far too frequently, but as I continued to listen, the sound I heard now was not at the level that I remembered my mother’s fragile body could make.

Mother’s voice could not be heard above the din of yelling, screams of pain, and demands for help.

I could only hear the servants’ whispers, and then I heard the door gently open.

The sound of approaching footsteps was so faint that it couldn’t be heard without close attention, and the irregular breathing was filled with embarrassment and anxiety.

Then he got closer and shivered violently as he wrapped what appeared to be a blanket around me, and I heard a familiar voice.

“Be quiet and shut up.”

My mother began to run with her heavy breathing at the end of her piercing speech, trembling frantically.

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