The moment the college entrance examination scores were officially announced.

I don’t know how many students’ dreams are broken.

It is also the hope of many students.

At this time of the year, banners will be put up on the banks of the major rivers, "The college entrance examination is not the only way out."

Yes, the college entrance examination is certainly not the only way out.

But he can be regarded as the most direct way.

In the college entrance examination scores, some are happy and some are worried.

But this year a message directly exploded across the entire network.

[This year's college entrance examination has the highest score in history, Tianyang Province's science champion scored 749 points against the sky]

[Tianyang province science champion scored 749 points, setting a record in China]

[Shocked, even with the highest appearance in history, it is still super learning! 】

The annual college entrance examination scores are announced, and the most noticeable ones are those of the provinces.

Among these people, it can be said that most of them are natural winners in life.

But some people want to be low-key.

But this year, Tianyang Province, which is the province to which Yu County belongs, directly set the record for the highest scores in the college entrance examination, which of course attracted huge attention.

As soon as Weibo topics about the college entrance examination scores came out, the top science scholar in Tianyang Province directly occupied all the headlines about college entrance examination topics.

With the intensity of this topic, it stands to reason that the photo of the champion should have been published, but what is strange is that there is no photo of the champion.

There is also a topic about the appearance of the champion. Some media have learned from interviews that the college entrance examination champion also wants to be a guard, but the photos of her are not available online.

All of a sudden, everyone on the Internet talked about it.

Gently I care about my heart. V: 749 scores in the college entrance examination can indeed be regarded as guarding the sky. If you are shit, please check the current highest score in the college entrance examination. However, some topics are all about the appearance of the champion is also quite against the sky. At any rate, give a photo. The student who scored 430 in the college entrance examination that year said that in addition to worshipping the point of learning God, he also wanted to worship the face of learning God. !

——As a media worker, you must come out and give evidence. According to our interviews, there is a huge gap between the opinions of the local people on this champion. It is said that during the college entrance examination that day, many colleagues in the college entrance examination have seen the appearance of the champion, but some people who know the champion said that he was ugly. Against the sky...Because of the large gap in opinions, we are searching for more detailed information, and without the consent of the person, we cannot put the person's photo on the Internet. Netizens, forgive me!

——Hehe, I’m a native of Yuxian County. I don’t know if the test scores of the champion this time are true. The highest score he usually simulates is only 650, which suddenly increased by a percentage point. We are his classmates. No one can believe it, and he is indeed... very ugly! I don’t know where the unproven rumor came from.

——The one upstairs who said he was the No. 1 student, can't even believe the results of the No. 1 prize, can we still believe that you are an insider?

——749... There has never been a result in the history of the college entrance examination. I think there is probably something tricky...

——Remarks are simply sour, not showing up does not mean that there is no such existence, the score of 749 is against common sense? What is the significance of setting the college entrance examination in that area to a full score of 750? Maybe there will be a super Xueshen with perfect scores?



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