The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1251: Return to the island

The only thing Jun Chengyue knows now is that Jun Ci is now a girl. Other than that, he doesn't make any movements, everything seems to be normal.

Jun Ci was strategizing, and she felt that she couldn't understand the man's thoughts. She felt that this was still not the way to go. She also felt that in some time recently, she decided to go to the island and ask what happened to Jun Chengbai.

Knowing what happened in the past, I am better prepared for unexpected situations.

She asked the school for a week off. In order not to attract people's attention, she said that she wanted to talk about business abroad.

The route Guru can be changed, but Junci is not worried about other things.

As time enters autumn, the weather is getting colder, but it is also rare and mild.

Although she said that she came to the United States on leave, she did not notify anyone in the United States. She transferred to the airport and boarded a private jet to the island.

Now that the island is quite large, Slori has almost moved the entire research base over.

Because Jun Ci has thought about it, the place in the Middle East is always not safe. If a war breaks out one day, if it blows to her base, it would be more than a loss.

At least now on this small island, once there is any instrument that wants to attack the small island, Guru can conduct autonomous defense and intrusion. It is basically impossible for any dangerous event to happen.

She came to the island this time without notifying the people on the island.

Kurt didn't know she was coming until the plane arrived.

Dozens of mercenaries came to the beach to greet her. Seeing Junci was coming, Kurt trot over with someone: "BOSS!"

Jun Ci nodded slowly.

The mercenaries on the island respect Junci's eyes.

To be honest, they had a pretty good life on the island.

Occasionally, they can get permission to go to land cities other than the island, except for not revealing anything on the island.

Tracking devices are installed in their necks, which are also gadgets developed. In addition to restrictions on confidentiality, they do not restrict any behavior of mercenaries.

They can receive their wages regularly every month. Apart from training and standing guard, they can freely move around on the island most of the time. This group of mercenaries had never imagined such a day before.

In addition, there are no restrictions on contact with researchers. Now there are several mercenaries on the island who have had feelings with female researchers, and Junci does not care about these things.

As long as they can remember their responsibilities.

"Luther brought a group of other mercenaries a few days ago, and one of them was an undercover agent."

Kurt stepped forward to report some information. Some people on their island often go outside to recruit other talents, or the mercenary corps they knew before. Among the group of people brought back some time ago were undercover police officers. In fact, that The mercenary group was found, and an undercover agent was mixed in. One of his eyes was cut off like on a TV. Instead, he was replaced by a monitoring eye that could record everything he saw.

He did not expect to accidentally enter the island and hang such a large fish, but because of the things in his eyes, he was discovered by the researchers as soon as he entered the island.

Gulu reported this matter to Jun Ci, but Silori's senior management handled the matter, and she did not ask too much.

This time, Kurt also wanted to report to her, after all, she was the big boss.

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