The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1255: I don't want you to see me like this

Perhaps it was because she had no way to escape at the time, and she was not abused there, but as Jun Chengbai felt, staying in the same place and being unable to go anywhere was enough to drive people crazy.

But Lydia was a strong woman, and she quieted down when she realized that there was no hope of escape.

She and Jun Chengbai have a very good relationship, but unlike Jun Chengbai’s fear and fear of Jun Chengyue, there is also a trace of complex brotherhood. Lydia does not like Jun Chengyue, and she does not like it straightforwardly.

And Jun Chengyue brought Lydia back at the beginning, just so that this woman could comfort Jun Chengbai.

It made him want to escape a little bit lighter, but in life, Lydia and Jun Chengbai gradually developed feelings.

Even when he was not paying attention, the womb knotted secretly.

They are just locked up, but they know everything that should be there, but it is precisely because they still understand the outside world and the restraints in contrast to it that make people want to go crazy.

"At that time, Lydia had you in his stomach. Although Yue didn't say anything, I could see that he was very angry. He wanted to kill the child in Lydia's stomach."

But at that time, Jun Chengbai and a woman who grew up with Jun Chengyue had a very good guardian relationship. At that time Lydia gave birth to a child, and Jun Chengyue asked Jun Shenglian to deal with this matter. It was this woman who Jun Shenglian sent Junci dealt with it.

This was the only thing they didn't think about. The woman was not willing to kill her, dragged through the guards, and sent Junci to China.

"That jade pendant was actually made by Yuemingren, not for you. The name on it is the Chinese name he took for Lydia, so I didn’t expect that one day you would come back to save me with this jade pendant. It's really impossible to leave you anything under Yue's eyelids. Lydia took out this jade pendant and entrusted it to her."

Jun Ci listened to the story for a long time, only to be a little surprised when he heard: "The Chinese name for Lydia?"

After a long time, Jun Chengyue actually made this name personally.

In an instant, Junci had an indescribable feeling.

But in the interstellar age, she was this name, and now she collided with this person's thoughts, and she was speechless.

When Jun Chengyue knew her name, didn't she have doubts at that time?

But she has a very difficult point, "You said Jun Chengyue is paranoid, then he treats you..."

Could it be any special feelings?

In this society, this is nothing new. If it weren't for such obsessions, Junci could not figure out why Jun Chengyue imprisoned Jun Chengbai.

"I do not know."

Jun Chengbai seemed a little unwilling to guess something: "Yue is not just to me, he is more like dividing me and Lydia into his world, but he just can't tolerate you. I'm with Lydia. , There seems to be a feeling of betraying him alone, so he finally became very extreme and trapped us in a deeper place."

"I was unwilling to face him because I lost you. I stole the medicine he was researching. I injected it by myself. I just wanted to escape something."

When he said this, he seemed relieved, his tone was full of decadence and ridiculous: "So did you see it? I don't want to tell you this because I am a weak and incompetent father. I don't want you to see me like this. The side."

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