Jack looked at Jun Ci with a gloomy expression on his face, no longer as comfortable as before.

He thought he had kept his secrets well enough, but everyone in front of him said that they were on the point.

Especially the family, Jack has not seen his family for several years.

Maybe in their hearts, they think they are dead.

But their existence has always been Jack's weakness, and Jack cannot tolerate someone threatening their lives with them.

But it is obvious that Jack has no room for resistance in front of the boy.

"What do you want to know, you know all my information!"

Jack kept quiet, suspecting that the man in front of him was playing tricks.

If you know your identity and all the information, what is the value of your own use?

"To be new, you have been in the mercenary army in the Middle East for so many years. Is there no useful news?"

In fact, he is really useless to Junci, but this person is an undercover person after all, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be a bit of fresh information to Junci.

Jack lowered his head, fingers tightly pinched.

To tell the news, he had actually told the Turan capital police all, and he did not leave any news.


"It's not limited to what the secrets are, but you can also talk about halfway anecdotes."

After all, Junci is boring.

Anyway, the meal hasn’t arrived yet, so I’m here to interrogate the prisoner to kill time.

The boy poured himself a glass of water, and sat on the chair at the dining table, his legs turned up, but the boy’s elegant and noble movement was still beyond words. Jack looked at Junci and suddenly felt that the person in front of him Some familiar, but how familiar, he can't tell...

He just feels that this boy is playing with himself.

How can people who really want to know what information will let him say these things.

But there was no way, Jack had to swallow and start talking about something.

He is not good at making up stories, and even if he is making up stories, Gulu can tell it instantly, so what he said are really some strange things he has seen undercover in the mercenary army for so many years.

Most of them are some stories circulating in some ancient tribes. After all, they are mercenaries and live a life of licking blood. They will go to many places and will naturally come into contact with people who are rarely seen in the social news.

At the beginning, Junci still thought it was quite interesting. Jack was just okay. Some of what he said was as vivid as the truth.

"Last year, we went to the border of Taburi. Over there, there is an ancient tribe. They believe in a **** called the Gulita, and said that the place where they can link the Gulita is in a grand canyon of their tribe. In the valley, I have been to see it. It is actually a very deep abyss. There is a huge cavity in the middle, and there are steps on both sides to go down."

"But it was too cold inside. We were only halfway down and dare not go down. You can't imagine how cold it is underneath. It doesn't matter how much you wear. If we can't go down, we just saw the hollow in the middle of the sky. There is a huge thing. We don’t know what it is. I guess it should be a building. Because of the displacement of the continental plate, such a natural void is formed. The building is underneath and the flashlight can’t see it. I only see the top. Engraved with a symbol, that symbol is very strange, like two human-shaped curved people hug together, surrounded by petal-like shapes..."

"what did you say?"

When Jack said this, the boy who was still listening attentively turned his head suddenly.

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