The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1280: Research Institute!

In the evening, Junci rests in the room specially arranged by the leader.

However, because it is too primitive and the environment is really unreliable, Jun Ci couldn't bear it, and simply slept in the tent brought by Jiya.

She stayed in the tent all night, and the next morning heard the roar of a huge helicopter coming from a distance.

There are often various planes and helicopters flying by here, in fact, it is very common, but this time it is clearly aimed at the tropical rain forest.

People from the Gulita tribe screamed, and Jun Ci got dressed and went out of the tent, but because he slept all night and didn't care much about the image, he looked a little sleepy with his hairy head and half-squinted eyes.

In the sky, dozens of helicopters all flew toward this side, "rumbled", like a black mosquito army.

The people of the Gulita tribe screamed. They were afraid of such modern products.

However, it regards the signal source of the future technological product as the coming of a miracle.

Maybe this is the difference between advanced technology and backward technology?

In fact, Junci has already made it clear now that it is backward, but it has only begun to develop. It cannot be denied that maybe the current earth is the prehistoric period of the future interstellar?

Ji Ya was constantly calming the group, and the boy also calmed them.

Perhaps because of the comfort of the God of Gulita, they were much calmer.

When the helicopter legion began to fall, the crowd dispersed.

When Jun Ci saw such a big battle, he knew that Shu Jie must be aware of the significance of this matter. Hua Guo could not hide it, and did not intend to hide it from the forces of other countries it was monitoring.

"Jun porcelain!"

The helicopter fell and the wind was violent. After the official landing, Shu Jie found Junci from the helicopter in the middle and quickly walked over.

The expression on his face was full of excitement and enthusiasm, and beside him, many people came down one after another.

Guru scanned the information, good guys, all are national-level scientific research cadres!

Shu Jie's excitement almost shocked the entire National Academy of Sciences.

If these people take one out at random, they are all world-famous scientists. They have dedicated their lives and engaged in scientific research for the country, and now they have finally encountered a real big event!

Jun Ci nodded calmly, Shu Jie rushed over to see Jun Ci's image, and was stunned: "Just woke up?"


"Let me introduce to you, these are all countries..."

Originally, Shu Jie wanted to reach out and introduce the people who came over, but Jun Ci interrupted him: "I know it all, needless to say."

With so many people, let Shu Jie introduce them one by one.

Among the group of people, at least dozens of scientific research workers, the oldest and the longest experienced one, came to Jun Ci, "Shu Jie, this one is..."

Jun Ci has stretched out his hand: "You Lao, hello!"

This person is called You Xiangning. He is the youngest veteran of the National Ministry of Scientific Research. He is talented and clever. He majored in physics. His position is almost equivalent to the rank of military general. His status and reputation are all first-class. Be loved by others.

It was just a video that attracted the Lord himself.

"it is good."

You Xiangning was stunned for a moment. He was over fifty years old, and he could indeed be worthy of the old man.

After greeted Xiangning from the right, Jun Ci pointed to the direction of the canyon: "The thing is under the abyss over there, and there is a hole to go in."

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