The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1293: Find him, kill him!

"I heard Du Yuan say that you are not only a director, but you are also responsible for developing a game. I recently played "Jianghu Life", which is very fun."

The girl's cold voice was inexplicably depressed and decadent, which surprised Jun Ci: "So what?"

She doesn't understand that it's just a game, so Sura can come to herself for this?

"But I heard that you recently developed another game with the same name as your movie, right? "Hongmeng World", I want an inside qualification."

It turned out that it was because of this. Although the game did not start to promote, but there were related contacts in the school's clubs, the students of Longfu were the first to know that it was nothing new, and Sura knew it was not surprised, but she was surprised.

"So I like to play games? However, the game will officially start in a few days. There is no closed beta. Now we are only selecting internal candidates for trial play. The game data will be eliminated at that time. It will be useless after playing. Wait a few days to start the server. Why don't you wait to play together?"


Sura seemed to be thinking about something, "I see, thank you."

She was very polite at this time, but she didn't mean to hang up, "You are a director and very influential. I want you to help me."

Junci did not directly refuse, but showed great interest: "What is it? But you have to know that we are not familiar with each other and we don't have the right conditions. Why should I help you?"

Sura was silent, and acted calmly: "I know, I really don't have what you need, but what I want you to do is just a small favor, you can refuse, but if you agree, I can promise. One of your conditions, whether you say it or not, will be regarded as I owe you a favor."

Do one's best effort with one favor?

Although Sula's favor is not too important to Jun Ci, she is still a little interested: "Tell me."

"I just need you to find someone for me. That person is abroad, a man of Mexican American descent. This year..." She paused, as if she was thinking of something, "Forty I’m six years old and I’m called Kampa. Apart from that, I have no other information."

"Why do you think I can help you? I'm just a director. If you find someone, it seems more appropriate to spend money to let the detective agency do it."

Sura is decisive: "Intuition, I feel that you can help me."

Jun Ci is a bit choppy.

At the same time, I was a little excited, just an intuition. My instinct made Sura come to help someone who her friend is not even considered to be?

But after thinking about it, the person Sula is looking for is probably not in Sula’s social circle before, and she does not have any friends now. The only Baiduyuan does not seem to be of much help. Yuan Chenyan has enough. Above, if you are looking for a foreigner, Junci, who is indeed a fate, barely has some ability.

But Sura said she relied on intuition.

This is interesting. She rarely cares about other people's affairs, so she said one more sentence: "I can promise you, but would you like to talk about what you do with this person?"

While speaking, Junci had already ordered Gulu to start screening the information of the man by this name.

It's really not easy to find, but if you add Mexican Americans and you are abroad, it is easier to find more.

This was also because Junci had an anti-sky plug in his hand, and when he changed to someone else, he refused.

Sura's tone suddenly became gloomy: "Find him, kill him!"

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