The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1333: Go see the last star

Li Ma took care of Jun Ci for two years, and rarely took leave except necessary holidays. In addition, after taking care of Jun Ci for two years, Jun Ci had already treated her as her family.

Hearing this, he nodded and said: "It's okay, Li Ma, you just go back, I know the arrangement myself."

Although Li Ma left no one to take care of her daily life, but the basic Monarch porcelain is good enough. As for eating...

It's not edible everywhere, so it's not difficult for Junci.

Hearing Junci's agreement, Li's heart was relieved, and she pointed to the refrigerator and said, "Master, bones for piano are usually boiled. If you are not too troublesome, you can boil it in a pressure cooker and eat it with a cello. Dog food will do."


Very troublesome, why can't that dog eat shit.

However, this kind of remark was too damaging to his image, so Jun Ci chose to shut up.

Regarding what Li Ma said, she nodded silently.

After discussing it, Jun Ci went back to the room, she did not turn off the video, and Jiang Yi heard what Li Ma said just now.

"Mum Li is asking for leave? Don't you have no place to eat, Porcelain, or go to my house."

"It's so troublesome to go to your house all day long. You can't eat where you eat, and you won't die from starvation."

The teenager slumped on the bed and checked the time: "I have to take a bath. There is still business tomorrow. You go to bed early."

Tomorrow's air ticket is booked, and I want to see the last star.

Hearing that Junci said to hang up the video, Jiang Yi was a little reluctant, but he reluctantly said, "Okay, goodnight, Cici."

"good night."

After hanging up the video, Junci was going to take a bath, thinking about what Li's mother was going to leave, she came to Jiang Yi's room: "Li's mother is going to leave tomorrow, one week to two weeks, piano, how do you deal with your food? ?"

A dog and a robot are obsessed with games, and the piano is wailing nearby, and the little spy doesn’t turn his head when he hears that: “Don’t worry, I’ll help him order takeaway!



If you get an answer, Junci doesn't care.


Early the next morning, Jun Ci went to the airport and sent Li's mother to the airport by the way.

She also had to catch a plane, but the time was a bit earlier than Jun Ci, and Jun Ci wanted to drop in, so she sent Li's mother along.

I got on the flight to the coastal city, closed my eyes and rested for two hours on the plane, and the time was up.

She was in first-class cabin. This time she used her usual male ID card, so she was recognized by the flight attendant.

When getting off the plane, there was a stewardess shyly approaching Jun Ci and asked if he could take a photo.

Jun Ci did not give too much cold face, but he also smiled and refused directly: "No."

She never discriminates between treatments. She is a director and never thought of going the fan road at the beginning.

Therefore, the so-called private group photos of stars and fans are even more unnecessary.

Although the flight attendant was regretful, she was more sensible and still smiled and sent Junci off the plane.

Jun Ci called Shu Jie when the plane landed. She waited not long at the airport, and people around had already recognized her, and a faint commotion began.

Someone had already started to take pictures of her with a camera, but the teenager was only carrying a simple luggage backpack, wearing sunglasses, and sitting there looking like strangers would not enter, but no one dared to approach her.

After waiting for an hour, Shu Jie came.

I probably realized that it was a public place, so I contacted by phone and told Junci where in the parking lot.

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