The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1353: retribution

"He's quite honest."

Jun Ci said.

Uncle Tao nodded: "Can you not be honest? After all, there is an old man above him. The young master is actually quite good, but he is spoiled and grown up, he is a little skinny at best, but he is also considered good. There are more There are so many, even the young master can’t match a single strand of hair. Being spoiled by the family, they are not personal."

Uncle Tao seemed to sneer.

There must be a lot of things that are not useful in this kind of power circle. Some things that rich people can do can be said to have broken the limits of human imagination.

Jiang Yi is considered to be a true root.

Junci naturally agreed.

In the afternoon, Jun Ci has no training class, she only takes Jiang Yi.

Later, I plan to teach some interstellar fighting skills to deal with it, but it is actually a trick to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

She had come to find someone to teach for a week. It was not formal. When it was time for Fu Ziyan and Mo Chaoyang to get engaged, when Jiang Yi asked for leave, she left the military academy with him.

At night, Junci received a strange call.

It's actually a group of gangsters.

Last time, Wuhe wanted to let people do something on Junci, but before he could do it, he was **** by someone sent by Junci.

This group of gangsters can be considered capable, and it took a while to kidnap Takega.

Junci let people watch, feeding some gruel every day to hang Muga for his life. Of course he was torturing him as a lesson, but after all, after so many days, the gangsters can automatically call their accounts every day. A sum of money, but they also have a guilty conscience for fear of being discovered by the police.

Takega is a star, and he is well-known on TV. The gangsters dare not really do anything, so they called to ask Junci what to do.

Of course Junci would not be so stupid that he really exposed his information, so everything was contacted by Guru and then told Junci.

She thought that Wuga had been **** for so many days, even if she was still alive, she wouldn't have a few breaths left. Of course, people wouldn't be tortured to death.

He was locked in an old warehouse with no buildings around. Sometimes people visited him. He called for help for a few days, but now he doesn't even have the strength to speak out.

Surveillance video was put in the warehouse, and Junci could see this person's misery at any time.

This person is just a useless waste. It is impossible for Junci to spend all his time on him. When he saw the person in the video, he sneered: "Guru, inform his company."

"Good Le!"

Now that the person has been tortured for so many days, with more vents and less intake, and a few gangsters have cleaned him up, no matter how high-spirited Wuga is, he can't stand up.

He could think of who would do this with his feet, but he didn't dare to speak out.

The people he sent out didn't say anything about it, and he was kidnapped to such an extent, how could Muga dare to expect revenge anymore.

When he saw someone from his company come to rescue him, Muhe's tears flowed.

The actor who was still handsome in the past has turned into a shameless person like a beggar, and his whole body is covered with scars.

The company was shocked, and rushed to take Wuga to the hospital, at the same time it also reported to the police.

But let’s not mention that the information about the few people was moved by the grunt. Even if the police did not move, it is unlikely to find out. Those few gangsters are all veterans.

Takega did not dare to speak out if he had doubts, and this incident caused a certain amount of shock in the industry.

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