The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1366: Climb the foot of the table by yourself

Emp: Okay, but there are friends here, and it happened to have hot pot at my house at noon.

Yuan Chenyan: Eat hot pot? Yes, I like hot pot. I brought some crispy sausages made by my mother. The hot pot is very delicious! ! !

Jun Ci didn't tell Yuan Chenyan which friends he was, so Yuan Chenyan became enthusiastic when he heard that he was eating hot pot.

Jiang Yi saw Junci's phone typing on his phone, and after a few glances, he saw that Sula's name changed: "You invite them over for hot pot at noon?"

Jun Ci glanced at him: "They are all friends, Sura is playing with Yuan Chenyan and the others, so I called in by the way. It's just a meal, nothing. If I and Sura like this can make you think about it, let me Stop talking to others?"

The boy meant to block him on purpose. Jiang Yi couldn't say anything to refute him, curled his lips, "I just talked about it casually."

After speaking, he held the bowl and started to eat.

Seeing him, Jun Ci shrugged his shoulders and gave a low laugh. Xiao Ci, who was playing with the little spy, walked over slowly, pulled Jiang Yi's trousers, and obediently raised his head and shouted: " father."


Jiang Yi responded, lowered his body and held it on the table.

The little spy saw it, his head tilted, as if he was pondering something.

It usually climbs onto the table by itself. Seeing the different treatment Xiao Ci enjoys, the little spy casts his eyes on Jun Ci.

It also walked to Junci and pulled Junci's trousers: "Shovel shit."

Jun Ci looked down at it coldly, and it still looked like hesitant: "Put me up too."

"Climb the foot of the table by yourself!"

The five cold words deeply shattered the little spy's glass heart.

The same robot, no fate!

It hugged the legs of the table angrily and began to crawl. Jiang Yi drank the gruel and saw the little spy's embarrassing laughter. The little spy heard it and silently remembered Jiang Yi in his heart.

Although I know it is useless to remember.

After Jiang Yi finished his meal, Jun Ci asked Li Ma to go out to buy the materials for the ignition pot. At about nine o'clock, Yuan Chenyan and Sura arrived.

After calling Junci's mobile phone, Junci went downstairs to pick up people.

From a distance, I saw Yuan Chenyan carrying a lot of plastic bags, as if full of things.

Next to him was Sura, who was wearing a knit jacket and jeans, with a very good body and a cold complexion around her chest, and then she wore a youthful and beautiful white kite with her ponytail tied up.

Several people saw Junci coming. Yuan Chenyan and Bai Duyuan waved to Junci happily. Junci walked over and looked at what was in Yuan Chenyan's hand, "What did you mention, so many things?"

Yuan Chenyan smiled: "It's just some hot pot ingredients, didn't you mean to eat hot pot?"

"En, yes, but if you bring so much, you don't know if you can eat it all."

After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to help Yuan Chenyan share a little bit, and Bai Duyuan next to her smiled and greeted Jun Ci: "How good is your senior."

On the other hand, Sura just nodded faintly, it was obvious that the master was in control now.

Jun Ci nodded as a greeting, and took them to greet the security guard and went up.

On the way, Yuan Chenyan took the time to ask: "Hey, school grass, who are your friends today, are they stars?"

Asked this, Yuan Chenyan was a little excited.

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