"Oh, dad is asleep..."

"I didn't sleep, I just saw it, all the **** shovelers came out, how can he sleep, your dad, I know best, full of unhealthy thoughts, **** if he can sleep!"

Two figures appeared sneakily outside the tent. The light pulled the two small figures very long, and they looked strangely stiff when they walked around, and looked particularly scary.

Xiao Ci opened the corner of the tent, walked in, and saw Jiang Yi looking straight at it.

Xiao Ci greeted cutely: "Dad."

Jiang Yi leaned on his side, with one elbow on the pillow, his palm against his forehead, and his eyes were deep: "Well, you can come in and let the one behind you get out."

Little spy following: "..."

It was dissatisfied at the time: "Why don't you let me in, do you know that you are so arrogant? I am hers, not yours!"

Jiang Yi reached out and pointed to the tent: "This is Lao Tzu's site!"

"Dad, let it in." Xiao Ci ran to Jiang Yi, raising her head to look at Jiang Yi: "You think he is pitiful, he is often despised."

Little spy: "..."

Xiaoci, I know you are speaking for me, but I'm heartbroken, wife!

Looking at the face of the little spy, Jiang Yi gave a cold snort and turned over, but there was no objection.

The little spy ran in overjoyed, and then began to express his own opinions and condemned Jiang Yi: "The piano is in the hospital now that it is unclear whether you two can still live here?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yi was not angry, but turned around with interest: "Who taught you the tone of your speech?"

The little spy was rightly confident: "Guess! I'll give you one if you guessed it!"

Jiang Yi: "..."

Such shameless things are definitely not from his family.

Jun Ci also came back, and when he entered the tent, he saw two little things there, and was surprised: "You didn't go to the hospital to see the piano?"

The little spy pointed to Jun Ci: "Do you really want us to enter the research institute, who is shoveling shit?"

If the two of them went to the hospital to watch the piano alone, it would be a spectacle!

Jun Ci couldn't help laughing: "I'm sorry, I forgot."

They can't avoid Jiang Yi any more when they talk. Jiang Yi is a little strange. Jun Ci took off his coat and went to bed. Of course there are two small things between two people, and it is impossible for them to do anything. Jiang Yi hugged Jun Ci , Said a little strangely: "Porcelain, don't you really think your robot is weird? I don't think it is so weird if you send Ji Moyin to them..."

"What's weird?"

"I have seen those who can accompany studying, and I know that there are various smart models, but this kind of..." Jiang Yi thought for a long time, and thought of a wording: "This kind of shameless me This is the first time I have seen it."


Jun Ci couldn't hold back, and laughed at that time.

Little spy: "..."

Wow, for the first time since I was born, I was so angry, even more angry than I was rejected before.

"Who is shameless? Who is shameless?"

Can you be shameless again?

The little spy still didn't dare to say this sentence.

Jun Ci laughed softly: "It's all the same. It's just that the little spy has learned a little bit more, so upgrade it. I didn't think it was any strange, but it was actually quite cute..."

But when it comes to this, Junci hesitates.

Jiang Yi and the little spy were a little shocked.

Porcelain/shovel shit, are you crazy?

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