Claire didn't understand that during these years, it was not his mother but his father who cared most about her former daughter.

Of course, he was his father, Claire couldn't say anything about his behavior, she just didn't understand what his father thought.

Even if Sister Kai'Sa goes home, there will be no hindrance to the current Austin family.

Even if the property rights were partly distributed, Claire felt that she had no opinion, after all, she still had a mother who was the daughter of the oil king.

But now, Claire realized that she really didn't know this father at all.


Gulu forwarded the conversation between Claire and Miles to Jun Ci.

After listening to the entire conversation, Jun Ci has a new understanding of what Miles is.

She thought that if she didn’t recognize her granddaughter, it was Miles who had not confessed to her current wife because she was not good at it. But now, even her own daughter is unwilling to recognize each other, even if the youngest daughter has the will, To completely deny, this Miles really made Junci admire.

"His Royal Highness, Miles is really doing too much. Even if your Highness is because of your mixed-race status, Lydia is able to return to the Austin family. Miles treats her own daughter in such indifference?"

Gulu felt a little weird, isn't human being the most emotional?

Family affection is the most important thing. Even his Highness knows that he misses his mother. Miles does not even want to recognize his own daughter, which is simply too much.

"It's really hard to guess."

The only thing that can explain this Miles is that he doesn’t have much feelings for Lydia. Otherwise, when Lydia disappeared at the age of 15, Miles only searched for a period of time symbolically, even if it was a long time. Later, he gave up disheartenedly, and now Lydia appeared, but he did not accept it at all. This attitude made no sense.

According to Claire, her mother didn’t seem to care about Miles having a daughter, especially when Miles had a lot of illegitimate children, although every child might come out to fight for family property. But for the only Lydia who is qualified to inherit the orthodox, her mother doesn't seem to be disgusted, even Claire likes this sister who has never met.

Even Aiwu and Wu are acceptable to sister's children, that is, Junci that has suddenly appeared.

If someone else knows that he has the right to inherit, I'm afraid he would have tried to kill the other party long ago.

It is impossible for Miles not to know the attitude of his current wife. If his wife does not object, he should try his best to retrieve Lydia. This attitude can only show that Miles might not care about Lydia.

As a father, so cold.

However, he has so many illegitimate children, Lydia may be really dispensable to him.

As soon as the former wife died, she could immediately marry the daughter of the oil king, although this has brought endless benefits to Miles.

In business, Miles can be said to make the best use of everything. It seems that everything is regarded as a bargaining chip that can be used for exchange. This is the nature of a businessman, and he does an excellent job.

But in terms of morality, it can really be regarded as a scumbag.

Miles can't count on it anymore. Of course, Junci is trying to save Lydia on his own, but this approach made Junci decide to speed up the action against the Austin family.

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