The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1456: VRM1 is here

This farce was all seen by Guru because of the Internet.

It was passed to his Highness, and Jun Ci thoughtfully after seeing the state of these people getting along.

"His Royal Highness, Jun Chengyue seems to be indulging in Lydia, Gulu really doesn't understand what Jun Chengyue is thinking?"

This man obviously imprisoned Lydia, and he treated her very well.

"A pet..."

Jun Ci muttered to himself: "It's like treating a pet. I don't care what kind of claws you have. I am teasing you when I am happy. However, the real pet should be my father and Lydia is Jun. A toy that Chengyue used to make Jun Chengbai happy..."

Although the facts are too unbelievable, Junci feels like this.

No matter what attitude Lydia has, it is doomed.

She could not resist Jun Chengyue.

Jun Chengyue may have pet-like love for Jun Chengbai, but not necessarily for Lydia.

Gulu was shocked: "Are human beings so perverted?"

Jun Ci: "...There are many perverted people. Didn't there exist in StarCraft before? But you can't talk about it all."

Isn't this overthrowing a boatman with one pole, especially when he is still on the boat.

It's great for Gulu to be raised by himself. There are so many human beings and all kinds of people. It's not surprising that people like Jun Chengyue can appear.

There were even more bizarre things in StarCraft, because the area was wider, and the abnormalities that breed became more and more.

Gulu smiled immediately: "I know your Highness, Gulu will not say anything, then your Highness, are you watching them like this now?"

"Well, if there is nothing else, just watch it like this, anyway, Auntie's birthday party will be soon."

Whether you will see Lydia at that time and what will happen will be the truth at the birthday party.


A few days later, Bai Lai Men officially announced the real trailer of "The Seventh Killer Space".

However, it is not an ordinary trailer.

Bai Lai Men has put a number of special viewing booths in many countries and regions, similar to the size of the phone booths at the beginning. They are all reduced versions of VRM1 technology developed through research and cooperation with Silori. But here, you can watch " The VRM1 version of "Seventh Killer Space".

This viewing pavilion appeared quietly. Overnight, it appeared on the streets of many countries and cities, as if it had been prepared long ago. Curious people walked in, and then they couldn't make any progress.

He walked out almost softly.

The web is flat, and the released version is the flat version of this trailer. Although it is much more exciting, it does not reach the point of breaking point.

The real hot spot was a video of a new technology released by Bai Lai Men.

In order to express its importance to China, Bai Lai Men is a new technology video released at the synchronization time of INS and Hua Guo Weibo.

Bailaimen Huaguo official Weibo V: Once, we all dreamed of being integrated into the world of movies. Virtual reality is the existence we have always longed for. When VR comes out, it is a great invention of mankind, but VRM1 is your appreciation The true origin of the story. On July 1, 2023, VRM1 was born with a shock. The first film "Seventh Killer Space" using this technology will be released at the same time. At that time, we will announce the list of all movie theaters with VRM1 technology, hope to make you have a complete shock The experience of the mind.

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