The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1497: Affiliation base

Jun Ci pours water and ignores it.

Seeing the complaint, the little spy was useless, and instantly despaired of his status in this family.

One day, it must take Xiao Porcelain back to its base, eat and drink from the country, and never stay in this indifferent place again!

Humans, hum!


The little spy entered the room, the piano was still playing on the computer in the study, and the little spy yelled as soon as he entered, "How long have you been playing, don't you know that even a dog has to work and rest reasonably? Look at your appearance, dark circles come out Up!"

Piano: "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

[Save it, you, I'm already black under my eyes! 】

Little spy: "Yes, you are awesome, you are reasonable!"

A dog and a robot screamed in the room, Jun Ci went back to the room and changed his clothes, and suddenly received a call from Jun Chengbai.

When Guru communicated, she just spoke: "Father, something is wrong?"

There was something astringent in Jun Chengbai's voice: "I saw her news in the report."

Jun Ci was silent for a while, Jun Cheng Bai pointed to the incident that Lydia appeared on the street and was filmed online.

With such a big trouble, Jun Chengbai did not restrict the Internet on the island, but he must be a little shocked in his heart when he saw it only now.

"En? I saw it too, but it's not easy to save. Father, after saving you last time, he became suspicious and took care of Lydia very strictly."

"I know."

Jun Chengbai's voice was a little depressed, but he was also a little worried: "I don't think it is safe. He never does this. Expose Lydia to people unless it is him..."

After all, Jun Chengyue stayed for so many years, Jun Chengbai still guessed a little bit of Jun Chengyue's intention in an instant: "What does he want to attract."

Jun Ci chuckles and agrees: "He wants to lead me out. If I didn't know that Lydia was so dangerous, maybe I would go and save it last time. Do you know? He was sent by Lydia For many people who carry bombs, if my people show up to rescue, many ordinary people will be killed and injured. Do you think he is a lunatic?"

Jun Chengbai was silent for a long time, before speaking for a long time, his voice was low and bitter: "He has always been such a person, and I am worried about Lydia's safety."

"Don't worry, she should have nothing to do. Jun Chengyue can't find you for a day, so he won't be so stupid to attack Lydia."

Jun Ci still didn't tell him about Lydia being taken back to China by Jun Chengyue, lest he be worried.

"His person can't be judged by common sense. I have been with him for so many years and I can't say to understand him."


Jun Ci silently agreed in his heart, just like a pervert.

Hanging up the phone, Gulu asked softly: "His Royal Highness wants to continue with Jun Chengyue like this?"

"Otherwise? Unless I have breakthrough methods."

Otherwise, it would only be the case with Jun Chengyue, plus the last murder.

Gulu was silent for a while, and then said: "His Royal Highness, the person who chased you last time, there is a clue to the path."

"En?" Jun Ci quickly turned his attention back: "What clue."

"The data of this group of people was destroyed a few years ago. According to social data, they are completely like people who are not in this world, that is to say, the data has been deliberately destroyed. They seem to come from the same The training base is supposed to be private. It is not clear who the base belongs to."

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