The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1518: I am the commanding seven-generation system of the Imperial Warship, the last star

But it did no further action.

Scientists don't dare to breathe, and don't know what it is doing. Is it just that simple positioning?

After a while, the light curtain gradually became transparent and dim.

They held their breath, thinking that the battleship was a sudden reaction, and as the light curtain gradually dimmed, they thought the battleship had run out of energy.

But suddenly, as if someone was manipulating it, a video popped up.

In the video, the handsome mixed-race youth sits proudly on the battleship, with a high expression. He (she) waves his hands. The surrounding is an endless square. It is so huge, only dense silhouettes can be seen, and a group of sharp cheering groups. Scream.

It was so clear and clear that they could all see the youthful spirits, as if they were showing something in a parade. Behind the youth was an overwhelming team of battleships that shocked the scientists.

The people in the video chanted a string of unfamiliar languages, but one of them was faintly audible as ‘Slowly, Slowly’.


Shu Jie frowned, and You always glanced at him and motioned for him to be quiet. This was a moment that attracted worldwide attention.

In an instant, Shu Jie thought of something, his face was shocked.

The battleship video is true, so the boy didn't lie. She founded the group called Silori, which is exactly the same as the shout in the video now!


Is it the name of the boy?

The video was only a short minute. At the end, they saw the young man driving a battleship leading a huge battleship group into the endless universe. The shock of the real scene is beyond description by anyone.

The tingling of the scalp is just a preliminary performance, and every scene in the video bombards the scientists' eyes.

When the video ended, there was just a light curtain hanging in the air, no other reaction.

The scientists whispered: "Who was the person just now?"

"Like the owner of a battleship?"

"Is that the skeleton on the battleship? It didn't seem to be a simple figure in his lifetime, it should be a commander."

"It's amazing. It seems to be indistinguishable from our humans, but I saw other species cheering from the video, which shows that the current TV movies are really not made up. There are many alien species that we can't think of."

"What a miracle!!"


They talked a lot. You Xiangning watched the scene and didn't say anything. Shu Jie wanted to call Junci immediately, but stopped the idea. There is a signal shielding system here, so you can't make any calls without permission. Go, otherwise it is a leak.

Suddenly, they heard an abrupt, mechanically stereotyped voice: "I need to find someone."

It sounded without warning, frightening many people.

This sound sounds like a mechanical sound, but it makes people unable to distinguish the appearance of men and women, and it speaks Chinese!

The words were so round that Shu Jie thought this was what Junci used to pit them...

Everyone was frightened. No one dared to speak out. Older You had studied for many years. He was more courageous. He coughed and said slowly: "Who are you looking for? Are you this warship? This is the earth. If you come from outer space, If we do, we can only regret to tell you that it is very likely that you will not find this person."

The voice was silent for a while before speaking again: "I am the Light Brain of the Imperial Warship Commanding the Seventh Generation System, the Last Star."

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