The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1523: can not believe

"We have discovered that after activation, it can actually absorb any energy that can provide energy, and the cost is not large, but we didn't think of how to activate it."

He explained to the boy and approached the end star at the same time: "But we tried to communicate with it a lot. It said that before you came, it basically wouldn’t answer any questions, but told us that it came from an alien, but it didn’t Not any time after the earth, because there is no record of the earth in its database."

Jun Ci looked up, and squinted slightly, "How do you know it must be me?"

Shu Jie spread his hands, smiling clearly: "If what you said is true, isn't it obvious who it is looking for?"

She curled her lips slightly, did not speak, but moved closer to the end star.

In his mind, Guru began to try to release a more obvious signal source to communicate with the last star.

Even though Junci had reached the end star, it still had no response.

It is silent.

It can't recognize Junci anymore, yes, she has changed her appearance after all.

Jun Ci looked at it for a long time and found no scientist had entered the battleship, so he asked, "No one inside?"

Shu Jie understood it and said immediately: "No, it doesn't want us to go in now."

So no one is inside.

Jun Ci nodded directly after hearing this, and then walked towards the battleship.

At the moment when she was about to step into the battleship, a faint light curtain emerged, and a serious and cold mechanical sound: "Please do not enter at will."

Jun Ci raised his head and spoke directly in the previous interstellar language: "End Star, I am Jun Ci."

Her previous interstellar name was Junci, of course it was not the same itchy, just translated, the same name.

When she uttered the interstellar language, most of the scientists were attracted. Even Older You supported the glasses that Fuping used to study. "What is she talking about?"

It can only be heard obscure and complicated, and it does not belong to any known language on earth.

Shu Jie stagnated, and the guesses in his heart were gradually turning into facts. If a person lied, it would not be so comprehensive.

Her pronunciation is clearly the same as the large string of language pronunciations that flashed when the battleship was first activated.

Only the sense of elegance can be heard.

That is to say, after the boy said this sentence, everyone was surprised to find that the light curtain was removed, and there was no response to the things on the battleship.

It does not prevent the teenagers from entering.

When Junci entered, the discussion on the spot began to become louder, and they began to question Junci's identity.


Junci entered the interior of the battleship, which was still what he had seen at the beginning. Although it has undergone simple repairs, it has not changed much.

But several screens in the internal control room were flashing light, proving that the interior of the end star was still in a chaotic state.

"You said you are His Royal Highness, I am not sure, your body genes are completely different from His Royal Highness, you are very weak."

Stiff, without any emotional fluctuations.

This is the last star, the last star in business.

It said the three words that you are weak, and it will definitely laugh when replaced by others, but Junci knows that it is telling the truth.

Now this body is definitely not comparable to the body in the interstellar.

The gloomy light in her eyes flickered: "The physical fitness of the people on earth is like this, I just live in the body of the people on earth again."

When they talked, they used interstellar language.

The last star was silent for a while, and said: "I still can't believe it."

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