The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1532: Surah's Birthday

Because Lydia's matter has also been resolved, Jun Ci's spirit is much relaxed.

It was so delightful that the last star gave himself such a big surprise when he came.

But now I have Guru on my body, and the end star can connect with Junci at any time, so I don't need it to connect with me all the time.

Jun Ci thought for a while and asked the end star: "End star, I want you to guard Jiang Yi at any time, that is, my engagement partner, just like Guru guarding me, can you do it?"

The Last Star did not hesitate: "As long as His Highness gives instructions, the Last Star will naturally obey His Highness."

What Jun Ci thinks is that Jiang Yi has an unusual identity after all. In addition, the graduation mission is dangerous. Jun Ci does not want to block any risk factors. With the end star watching, at least Jiang Yi can be saved to a certain extent. Live without worry.

It can control everything involving network control and electromagnetic systems.

Guru: "His Royal Highness, how do you let Jiang Yi know the existence of the end star?"

But Jun Ci is not in a hurry: "It doesn't even you know now, what else can the end star do? I will tell him when there is a suitable opportunity, now the end star only needs to help me look at Jiang Yi."

"His Royal Highness, the Last Star cannot restore most of the warship's functions, and can only intervene in the network like Gollum. I am afraid it will not help much."

The Last Star calmly stated this fact, and it couldn't hear too much loss in its voice, just talking about a normal thing.

Jun Ci nodded: "I know this, it's okay, just follow my instructions."

After lunch at home, Jun Ci went to school in the afternoon.

When I arrived at school, I received the number one message from Yuan Chenyan, a little gossip, that tomorrow is Sura’s birthday, but because there is something in her family, it is early today. I invited Jun Ci and Bai Duyuan to celebrate together.

Jun Ci thought about it, and agreed.


Today is a special day, and the person Ji Moyin dressed specially re-enters Longfu University.

Longfu University is not an ordinary school, and you cannot enter without a student ID.

When Ji Moyin was transferred to another school, his student ID was cancelled. He drove an arrogant sports car to enter the school, but was stopped by the guard. As a result, the guard knew who he was as soon as he took off his sunglasses. He shouted in embarrassment: " Master Ji, do you want to go in?"

It's hard to believe that such a corrupt term will still appear in universities like Longfu in the 21st century, but the school guard knows the identity of Ji Moyin, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a young master.

Ji Moyin waved his hand. Today, he is wearing a high-definition Armani shirt. His hairstyle is scratched backwards. There are a few broken hairs on both sides of his forehead. He wears a pair of gold-framed glasses. Formally, he is a bit of a gentle scum. , Handsome eye-catching.

If it weren't for Jiang Yi and the others, in fact, taking Ji Moyin out alone would definitely be a handsome man who can provoke a girl to scream. Although he usually mixes with Jiang Yi, he can't deny the fact that he is handsome.

If it weren't for Sula's birthday today, he would rarely wear this formal.

Lips curled up, with a playful look on his face: "It's all about love, my dad is also a school manager anyway, so I will go in to pick someone up and come out soon."

The school security officer heard him say this, although driving to the school gate was no longer allowed, but thinking of the identity of the other party, he closed his eyes and let him in.

Who can afford to offend.

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