The roommates did not believe it.

Longfu is already different from other schools. Most of the people who can enter are from good backgrounds. It is really necessary to cause something to happen, but it is a scandal.

Moreover, the school girl Sura is from a good family, and she is arrogant, how could such a thing happen?

But Cheng Boru said so swearingly that she blamed her being beaten on Sula, and she became so angry that she made people move hands at him.

But the roommate is not stupid. I was really bumped into him. If I beat Cheng Boru, he would have made Cheng Boru even more angry, and couldn't hide this incident. How could he do this?

His roommate was skeptical, but he kindly bought a bunch of medical supplies for Cheng Boru.

He did not dare to go to the infirmary, fearing that he would be asked by the school doctor to cause more trouble.

But after all, this matter was not kept secret. The next day, Cheng Boru received a notice from the school.

He was fired.

The reason is to wantonly slander others and fight to cause trouble.

It is said that there are witnesses, which are the principals of that restaurant.

Cheng Boru was almost dumbfounded the first time he received this news. When he went to the Academic Affairs Office, his legs and feet were trembling.

The level of the principal of Longfu is not the same as that of general school principals. Even if a student like Cheng Boru is expelled, it will not belong to him, but will be handled by the Office of Academic Affairs.

The dean's expression was somewhat indifferent, and he directly gave the order to be expelled, asking him to immediately pack his things and leave.

He still wanted to fight for reasons, but the director interrupted all his fantasies with a single sentence: "Do you think surveillance can only record video? You should know exactly what you said to Sura at the time."

Cheng Boru was desperate at the time, and he was a little unfair: "I just said something like her, and she was talking about me at the time, why did she just fire me, but she didn't have anything?"

The dean of teaching looked at him with such pity in his eyes, and he didn't even think about this matter. Even if he graduated in the future, he probably wouldn't be able to achieve a major event.

He is a dean of teaching, and he naturally has some opinions on this kind of order that must be expelled, but if Cheng Boru does his own death, he really can't manage it.

Cheng Boru didn't get the answer he wanted, and his expression was a little faint on the way back to the bedroom.

He still wants to call Xiaoyun, but the **** the phone is already a little silent: "Do you know who you are offending?"

Cheng Boru didn't understand the specific reason at all at this moment: "I don't understand, even if I made a mistake and misunderstood, I just apologize, why should I fire me?"

Xiaoyun felt a little disappointed. In the past, this boy thought she was handsome, humorous and funny. Why did she find that he was so disgusting after taking the skin off?

"Do you think this is just the case? Why do you want to talk about her? It's not because of the disgusting thoughts in your own heart. Boru, I want to help you, but I can't do anything this time. Ji Moyin, a senior in this class, you know why. I can be willful, but to my family, I cannot be willful."

After saying this, Xiaoyun directly hung up the phone.

Cheng Boru was stunned, he trembled and took out his cell phone to check the information.

Although the personal information of students cannot be found in the school, there will always be relevant information on the forum.

Cheng Boru found out that, of course, there was not much information about Ji Moyin's private information, but he found a picture of Ji Moyin and his prestigious identity.

He was a member of the prince gang, the heir from the top wealthy family, and belonged to the kind of identity that Cheng Boru could not even think of.

His eyes were dark.

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