The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1546: How about meeting offline?

Variety shows happened just a few days after the movie was released, so after the incident ceased, Junci should pay attention to his own movies.

The Last Star has been constantly learning about the things of the earth during this period, and what will happen to Junci after the earth.

It's just that in many cases, it is very quiet and basically doesn't speak much.

Gulu seems to be a lot more verbose.

"Long-winded, your lord, do you think I'm long-winded now?"

Jun Ci flashed this adjective in his mind occasionally and was caught by Guru.

It obviously refuses to accept this fact.

Jun Ci coughed: "No, I just use a description."

She didn't feel groaning, just relative to the last star.

After all, the end star is too quiet.

"Hmph, it just can't speak, why does it seem like I'm long-winded?"

Gulu was not convinced, and pulled his helper: "Little spy, don't you think it is."

The little spy is now downloading the dungeon and was caught off guard and was drawn into the communication circle. He didn't know what Gulu was discussing before, but the boss asked if it was right, and he must be nodding sharply: "Ah yes yes yes yes yes!"

Guru triumphed.

Junci: "..."

Pretend not to hear.

Mo Xing suddenly said: "His Royal Highness, is the piano dog different from the dog on earth?"

It finally asked.

The piano has always had problems, but the last star didn't ask much when he was investigating other things, and he was also curious about how the piano changed in this way.

According to the earth data it collects, dogs are animals with average IQ after all. They are generally kept as pets by humans on the earth. The highest IQ is only seven or eight-year-old children, and they are divided into categories.

Huskies are not considered to have high IQ in the category. They are even skinny due to genetic problems. They are nicknamed the Demolition Brigade, but they don't listen to human instructions.

But this one raised by Your Highness is obviously not. Many times I see piano playing games and reading fairy tale books and I want to ask...

Its thinking process is separate, and even the main body is still in the underground base. Of course, Gulu and Junci would not know.

Hearing the last star asking this question, Junci turned his attention to the piano manipulating the mouse. There was a break in the middle of the filming, so the piano came back to play these two days.

Jun Ci replied: "I don't know what's going on. At the beginning, Guru was connected to the biological current of the piano. It probably caused some stimulation, so this husky evolved."


Once I understood, the last star stopped asking.

When the piano saw Jun Ci glanced at it, he turned his head slightly, the dog's eyes curled, and found that things were not simple.

"Hurry up, where do you look?"

The little spy slapped the keyboard and yelled at the piano, and the piano moved the mouse several times, skillfully manipulating the characters in the game to pick up the things dropped by the copy.

Jun Ci sighed silently. Every time she saw such a scene, she had to mourn for the little spies and their teammates in the game for three seconds.

At this time, I suddenly heard a thunder in the voice: "Hey, big brother, second brother, we've been playing for so long, didn't you say that you are also in the Imperial Capital? Next month, I will come to Imperial Capital for a business trip, everyone. How about meeting offline together?"

Little spy: "..."


Guru: "..."

Junci: "..."


Boy, you are afraid that you are going to lose your head. Do you know what kind of stuff is on your computer? There is also a light brain that has no physical body at all.

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