The kidnapper probably didn't realize that Junci made a sharp turn and his routine was so deep.

Before they were confused, Jun Ci said again: "I'm kidding, don't be so nervous, I still want the dog."

Kidnapper: "..."

Obviously they were the kidnappers, but they felt a sense of humiliation.

The kidnappers became angry from embarrassment: "Don't talk nonsense, get the money ready, we don't need cash, give you a card number, you can turn it over, but we will let you know the time."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Jun Ci frowned frivolously when he saw the hanging up video.

After the kidnappers hung up the video on their mobile phones, the person who was mainly responsible for talking with Junci murmured: "Speaking of which, who did you find this phone? Why is this dog's profile picture?"

Another kidnapper B laughed nonchalantly: "I heard that the crew arranged for this dog. It wants to play a clever dog, so you use your mobile phone to simulate it in advance, but you said if the crew has a brain problem, give a husky. Even with the phone, I created a WeChat for it, such a stupid dog."

Piano: "..." MMP, WeChat was created by your father himself.

"But thanks to them, we don't have to look for the emperor's contact information now."

A: "Do you think the emperor will take money? This stupid dog is really that important?"

B: "I think I will take it. After all, it's a dog's life."

A: "That's okay, Xiao Zhang's address is not available, then we have to figure out the future so that the emperor can't see our faces."

B: "What about the dog?"

A: "Of course it is tearing the ticket. Who is so stupid to send it back to him? Even if we let this stupid dog come back, what should we do if it rushes back and exposes us? Don’t you say that the dog’s nose is the best? !"

piano:"……"? ? ? ? ?

Do you group of kidnappers have any kidnapper's morals? You can even tear up the ticket after taking the money! ! !


Of course, it is impossible for Junci to prepare a ransom, and she knew exactly what the kidnappers said.

Hearing that the ticket is about to be torn up, I guess the piano is also a little anxious.

The old spy is pretending to be mentally retarded.

Two of these kidnappers actually have some contact with the crew and are responsible for delivering meals to the crew every day.

Because there are lessons from the past in the circle, and the dog is the emperor's dog, a few people moved a little bit of their thoughts.

According to their thoughts, after doing this ticket, they will fly away and have no worries about food or drink for a lifetime, and are afraid that they will not be found?

And even if it fails, what crime can be committed by kidnapping a dog?

So they calculated the location of the piano and kidnapped the piano while in the crew.

In fact, the piano knew from the very beginning that these people were here to kidnap it, because the little spy knew their plan and just said it.

When the piano heard the words, it was an excitement, and he almost took the initiative to follow them.

Such a mentally handicapped dog, what kind of rescue Junci saves, of course, is to watch it go to death!

This little thing Junci didn't alarm anyone, but couldn't bear to panic the crew.

The piano could not be found, so Tanine called Jun Ci in a panic: "Director, have the pianos come back? We can't find them!"

Obviously Piano has always been very smart and well-behaved and never left the crew, so why can't it be found suddenly.

Witnesses said it was two strange men who took it away, and then never saw him back.

In panic, the crew also remembered the kidnapping incident of the raging superstar dog in the circle, and immediately called Junci in shock.

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