The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1566: There is a problem with that building

The piano was beaten and still very unconvinced.

[Shoveling shit, you really disappointed me, I thought you would welcome me back with excitement after turning 10 million, it’s all on TV]

Jun Ci didn't make a fight: "You still want to pay, do you really think you are acting in a TV series? If it is true, I will just let them tear up the votes. You are worth 10 million? You want to be beautiful!"

[I have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars, and I will guarantee you a dog with tens of millions of dollars in the future. You are not good to me! 】

The little spy kept tearing down the piano stand in the back seat: "This fool was excited when he knew he was going to be kidnapped. At the time, I almost flung his tail and left with the kidnappers. When he left, he had to slap people a few times. It's an ungrateful dog!"

[Damn he said I was stupid, can I not beat him? 】

Little spy: "But what people said is the truth."

[Fuck you shit! 】

Little spy: "Yes, I just let you go."

[Trash, do you want to have a fight today, oh oh oh oh oh bit you to death! 】

Jun Ci was impatient: "Don't make a noise!"

The car slowly drove out of this area, and no one followed up.

Two things in the car were still pinched.

Mo Xing witnessed the farce in his mind, and he was puzzled: "Is it necessary for a dog to be kidnapped? I don't understand the methods of the people on earth. I don't even do the most basic anti-monitoring measures. The computer expert's The methods are naive and ridiculous."

"That's because we are not normal. Under normal circumstances, it would be more troublesome for your Highness to find the piano, let alone that kind of place. However, the piano does not need to be kidnapped. Maybe the kidnappers think the piano is very important. ."

It's the Emperor's dog after all.

But think about the reason that Jun Ci is not worried at the beginning is that there is a grunt, and the little spy is also nearby. The worst of this is that this stupid dog should know what to do.

It has to get up and get tied up, so it's a bit owed.

Jun Ci quickly received a call from the crew of Tanning Dai.

"Director, did you find the piano?"

"found it."

Jun Ci glanced at the piano: "I will deliver it right away. I will be more careful in the future and be careful not to let this stupid dog go with strangers in the future."

The piano immediately slumped down like a joke, and wailed a few times.

[No way, I was frightened in my heart, I need psychological counseling from a doctor, and now I am stimulated by shoveling shit, I am no longer alive]

Jun Ci immediately opened the window, "I don't want to live and jump from here, hurry!"


Tannin: "Huh? What did the director jump off?"

"No." Jun Ci said casually: "There is nothing more to do, I will send it over immediately."

After saying this, she hung up the phone.

But the little spy suddenly said, "Shoveling shit, the building just now had a problem with the piano."

Jun Ci was surprised at once and looked at it from the rearview mirror: "What's the problem?"

The piano leaned in and wailed twice.

[I don’t know, it’s just that when I was **** there, I smelled a very serious smell of blood downstairs from the kidnappers, which is the smell of blood from your humans, a very heavy smell. 】

Jun Ci stepped on the brake: "You want me to go back?"

Generally, she doesn't care about such things.

The little spy said: "I don't know. I couldn't detect it at the time. There were a few houses below that had no obvious signal and no one was there. I couldn't see anything, but I listened to it through radio waves. When there is a little girl crying, if you are willing to take care of it, you can go back, but you are not recommended to go back if it is dangerous."

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