The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1580: Some memories

Sura patted the back of her hand: "Some things will be discussed later."

She turned towards Hou Lida and said, "Thank you, Director Hou, for helping me."

If it's an ordinary school, maybe she will be pushed out and muddled. After all, ordinary schools dare not offend their parents.

But Longfu has confidence, it is different.

Hou Lida frowned, "These are all trivial matters, but what you said about your parents and your uncle is true? Sura, you need to know the serious nature of this matter."

Sura lowered her head, "I know."

With that said, she showed Hou Lida all the news that Junci sent to herself last night.

"Some people say that my uncle committed a crime..." Then, Junci will not reveal her information at all. This is also the trump card she left to Sura. If there is really no way, she will disclose the news.

There is more or less evidence on it, plus the police station to which the residential building belongs is currently investigating, and the school will definitely know that it is true after checking.

Hou Lida looked more and more shocked. After reading it, he questioned: "Who gave you this news?"

Sura shook her head: "I just don't know. I was scared when I saw the news, so I bought a voice recorder. I asked them without controlling it last night. Who knew they wanted to grab me and break my leg. I was really scared, so I escaped."

The relevant evidence chain was cleared by Gulu and Moxing. No matter what Sura said, all nearby surveillance videos would confirm that Sura said it was true.

Hou Lida didn't doubt it at all.

Generally, children must be afraid of such things.

He also knew that Su La was actually adopted by Su's father and Su's mother, which he knew when he entered school.

He patted Sura comfortably on the shoulder: "I asked the school to arrange a dormitory. You live in the school temporarily. Don't be afraid. I will submit the evidence to the police and let them investigate. But Sura You have to think clearly, they are your adoptive parents."

There is also the grace of nurturing.

Sura said timidly: "I know, but I'm afraid I will one day..."

Speaking of this, he was crying.

Hou Lida nodded immediately, and no longer hesitated to inform the school.

Bai Duyuan next to her mouth twitched as she heard this.

Just listening to Sura's tone is really pitiful, but she knows that Sura who is out now must be pretending, how can she be afraid of such things.

She can hang her adoptive parents with one hand...

But of course Bai Duyuan didn't dare to say it, Sura's ability to fight could not explain anything, but if the matter of her adoptive parents were true, it would be terrible.

She took Sura away and went out of the office door. Sura looked up, her expression was clearly indifferent, and she was not afraid at all.

Bai Duyuan asked in a low voice, "Is what you just said is true?"

Sura nodded: "It's really true. My uncle's affairs have been discovered. The only thing I don't know is the whereabouts of the children adopted by my parents. I don't know if it was processed or why. I still remembered. What happened when I was adopted when I was a child, the only thing I can be sure of is that when I was adopted, I must have been abused for a while."

Otherwise, Su's mother would not say the phrase, "Isn't it good to never hit the child again?"

In the picture, Xiao Xiao himself is also begging him not to hit him, Sura's eyes become colder just thinking of this.

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