"Second...Second brother..."

The buckwheat dumplings pointed at Jun Ci, and they were all trembling: "You look like a star!"

Jun Ci tilted his head: "Oh? Which star?"

She braced her head and smiled casually, she was shaking Huaren's eyes.

"The great director emperor... the emperor..."

The buckwheat ramen can't wait to drill a crack in the ground: "What is it like, this is the emperor!"

If the mother grows up like this, he will not let them live.

Soba Ramen thought that he would pretend to be forceful when he came, and he was pretending to be forceful along the way, but his second brother turned out to be the world-famous director emperor silently!

Before they came, they had never thought of something so exciting.

The soba ramen looked dumbfounded: "Second brother, why did you hide it when you played the game before?"

When a few people saw that the netizen in front of them was actually the emperor, they didn't mention the strange feeling.

How can it be hidden, it is not her who plays the game, she is here to fool the ignorant people.

Jun Ci smiled lightly: "I even turned off the press conference of "Seventh Killer Space" in order to come to see you. Today is the first press conference in China. Look, is the second brother particularly good to you? "

The buckwheat dumplings nodded stupidly: "It's very good..."

The second brother actually pushed such an important job to pick them up, and for a while, he felt too honored and ashamed.

Soba ramen always feels weird, the celery buns are much quieter, and he seems to have been interested in the piano on the ground.

Seeing this man treat himself like an ordinary dog, he wants to yell at the piano, he is rebellious, do you dare to touch your second brother's fur? I said that you are soft and cute, but now this kid is not good.

At this time, the few people were crazy when they saw the emperor. They dragged Jun Ci and talked all the way, from chatting inside the circle to outside the circle, from current affairs news to entertainment news.

Junci accompany a few people to fool around, and sent them to the hotel until the evening.

Once the chat came down, they didn't mention much about the game.

When I got home, Junci took a shower and lay down on the bed and looked at his mobile phone. Just now a few people have added WeChat, and they formed a group to chat about the gossip incident very happily. The self-familiar buckwheat ramen is still trying Mixed with other celebrities' autographed photos from Junci.

Jun Ci looked at the news, and glanced at the piano on the ground: "I see what you will do if you reveal your stuff then."

The piano has a solid heart: [Will not show it]

Jun Ci snorted: "So sure?"

Piano: [That is, as long as they are not crazy, they will not think that a husky is their second brother! 】

The little spy followed up and added: "I'm sorry, I'm their second brother, and you are the one who is not right."

Piano: [Fart you, I usually control the mouse! 】

Little spy: "I pressed the keyboard. It's great if you put the mouse on it. I can play without you."

Piano: [Grateful, beast, kill you! 】

Little spy: "Trash dare to bite me and electrocute you!"

With a few words of effort, the little spy and the piano were pinched again.

Jun Ci listened to annoyance, pulled a pillow and smashed the piano and the little spy out.

These two are dead, and they won't stop if they don't cause trouble for her all day long.

She is also a little sleepy. Jiang Yi hasn't sent her a video yet, but he seems to be coming back in these two days. Thinking of this, Jun Ci went to sleep under the bed.

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