The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1613: That was the emperor just now!

But once you take it off, you won't be able to give up such a splendid picture.

So I have to put on my glasses and continue watching, but the more I look, the more I feel my heart is tested.

The quality of the emperor’s film is needless to say. The special effects and such virtual technology make people feel like being in it. No matter how you turn your head behind you, you can feel that you are always in the movie screen, and there will never be a movie. The picture that appears on the screen boundary.

For two hours, whether it is the plot of the movie itself or the splendid special effects, it is always wonderful, which makes people feel relish while shocked.

Especially when the protagonist of the sweet beauty played by Cecilia appeared, with such a graceful and hot body coupled with a sweet smile and voice, she almost felt like she was smiling next to you. She chatted with the hero It seems to be chatting with you.

Every little shy expression of her seems to be directed at you.

Some male viewers can't hold it anymore, and some female viewers also feel that they are starting to follow the pan-sweet in their hearts.

A sweet girl like Cecilia has a particularly harmless feeling when she smiles, and she can win people's favor. Even girls can hardly be hostile to her.

When the film officially ended, many viewers had a bit of reluctant aftertaste.

When Jun Ci took off his glasses, he saw that there were still many viewers who did not take off their glasses.

She knew that there were still easter eggs left for the movie to pave the way for the second one, but she was not interested anymore and took advantage of this time period to take Jiang Yi and the others away.

Yuan Chenyan and the others still had to wait for the eggs, but Jun Ci didn't force it, and took Jiang Yi away first.

As a result, when passing by, two girls stretched out their legs to block them, Jun Ci whispered: "Can you give me a hand?"

The girl froze for a moment, still wearing glasses, but subconsciously shrank her feet.

It was just that she felt that something was wrong again and took off her glasses.

For a moment, she saw the boy in front of her.

She was just the little girl who said that Junci imitated the emperor.

Before the contempt in her eyes could show, the little girl suddenly turned her head after seeing the other person walking out. The boy lowered the brim of her hat and asked her, "Is the movie good?"

"It's so good!" She didn't want to answer the boy, but after all, she asked if the movie was good or not, how could the movie of her own male **** be bad!

After she finished speaking, she saw the boy suddenly take off his hat. Without the brim of the hat, the deep brows and eyes of the boy Xinghui became brighter and brighter. In the dim light of the movie hall, the bright flickering made people look unsightly Taiqing stunned the girl for an instant.

"It's pretty good-looking, after all, I made the film."

After the boy said these words, he left with the boy next to him.

The girl was just there, she didn't return to her senses for a long time, and she didn't feel that her knees were weak until Junci had gone far.

Uncontrollably screamed: "Ah ah ah ah ah, that was the emperor just now!! It's my male god!!!"

She actually said her own male god! ! ! ! ! !

The girl wanted to punch herself to death!

Her scream also alarmed the others in the movie hall, and most of them immediately took off their glasses.

"Where is the emperor?"


It's a pity that Jun Ci has already gone far. Knowing the result of her words, she wisely took Jiang Yi to the underground garage with Jiang Yi.

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