The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1633: Coming soon

When a group of people in the editorial department saw Brother Gou and a super beauty talking happily, their teeth broke.

Others were surprised to see Claire talking to them well, after all, Claire's temper was really cold.

However, it would not be surprising if he knew that Claire was trying his best to understand Junci.

The atmosphere on the scene gradually became enthusiastic. At this time, even if Junci didn't come, it didn't seem to be a hindrance, but everyone's topic was invariably transferred to Junci.

"Say the emperor's real name is Junci?"

"Yes, haven't there been news on the Internet before?"

"Hey, who do you think the emperor's fiancee is? Why have you never heard the wind before?"

"do not know……"


People outside the circle may not be very clear, but for some people, as long as they know that Jiang Yi's name is the producer's name, they are a bit uncomfortable.

They all know that the relationship between the emperor and Jiang Producer is good, but they didn't expect it to be this way...

Nowadays, China does not say that it is too open or too closed, but the topic of homosexuality has always been very sensitive. The two big boys are now engaged...

Yes, by this time people in the circle had thought that the emperor was engaged to Jiang Yi, but had not guessed the real reason.

Mu Baijun half-closed his eyes and exclaimed slightly, "The emperor is really confident."

Dare to announce the engagement in the prime of time, and it is still such a shocking engagement.

You can see it just by not writing the title on the invitation.

But Xi Mu at her table smiled softly: "Maybe things are not what you think?"

He is considered a member of the circle, and the real news has long been heard from his family, so he now knows what is going on.

When everyone heard him say this, they all looked over with a little surprise: "It's not what we thought, what is it?"

Is it impossible to get engaged or is it false?

Xi Mu smiled mysteriously: "You'll know when people come."

Everyone was a little puzzled.

Mu Baijun glanced at Xi Mu unexpectedly.

She knew that Xi Mu's family background was not simple, and probably knew something terrific, but she knew how to measure it and didn't ask.

Now Mu Baijun is also proud of the moment when the emperor's promise has been fulfilled.

She succeeded in gaining some popularity in Hollywood relying on "The Seventh Killer Space". She saw the online response now. For the female killer she played in the film, Europe and the United States are a province of admiration, and occasional slander is harmless. Anyway, the overall reputation of Mu Baijun has been broken.

But she knew that Jun Ci had done enough to help, and that the remaining opportunities depended on Mu Baijun himself.

Now that Mu Baijun also knows the seniors of Bai Laimen, there are still opportunities in the future. She is not worried about herself, but is relaxed.

In the current situation, everyone was looking forward to the emperor, and she was also wondering if it was what she thought?

Maybe not, what will happen then?

While thinking about it, a few people walked in again outside the door, which attracted the attention of the audience. When Mu Baijun saw those people, he asked.

I haven’t seen people before, but just look at their temperament. The three handsome and unparalleled brothers were very dazzling when they walked in. They just took a look around the scene, and then a few people walked to the main table. One of them looked like The yuppie went on the host stage and said with a wicked smile into the microphone: "Don't worry, the emperor will be here soon!"

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