The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 164: Two leading actors

When Brother Gou heard that Shi Nan finished speaking, he was shocked.

Yeah, people like the emperor don't seem to fight insecure battles.

In addition, the video of Interstellar Glory really exploded in D station.

Although it seems that this fire does not affect the emperor, it is because the emperor has ignored the dynamics of the video since uploading the video.

Many people wanted to contact her but couldn't.

However, if she says she has a new movie released, at least some of the Star Glory video fans will buy it, right?

From this point of view, it is still a bit emboldened.

Brother Gou suddenly regretted his impulsive remarks.

He remembered one more thing.

At the beginning, he thought that there was nothing important about giving the emperor the full copyright, but later turned the emperor's light broadcast rights to sell for 10 million and directly hit the face.

Brother Gou suddenly had an ominous premonition.

He immediately turned back and deleted the QQ chat records between himself and the emperor.

If there is really any accident at that time, just say that he didn't say it, and if the emperor has a screenshot, he said that the emperor is PS!

Just don't admit it!


In the afternoon, the main actors including Luo Lanyi and Fu Zhisheng all took a plane to Yangcheng.

As one of the ancient cities, Yangcheng is naturally famous for its scenic spots.

What made them stunned was the standard room configuration of a five-star hotel.

Because of their coffee status, the emperor arranged an ordinary luxurious big room, which was considered the best compared to others.

However, the most common standard rooms are comparable to the executive rooms of ordinary hotels.

And all the staff live here.

When the Eagles crew came here, they looked dumbfounded.

It's not that they haven't stayed in the hotel, they directly contracted a five-star hotel for them, and it was the first time they met!

And at that time, the emperor temporarily borrowed--that is, Geng Shunkun's assistant temporarily acted as the emperor's assistant, and told them something.

I will have a big meal here in the evening, and breakfast will be solved in the hotel every morning for two months.

As soon as this matter was spoken out, the crew was extremely moved.

The goodwill of the director is rising.

It's really the first time I have seen such an embarrassed director.

They have heard that there is no production investment for this show, and all costs are paid by the director.

This shows that the director is really a rich man!

Luo Lanyi and Fu Zhisheng returned to the room with their respective luggage. On the way, gentleman Fu Zhisheng's helper Luo Lanyi also mentioned it. Luo Lanyi said softly, "Thank you."

It is neither overly enthusiastic nor alienated.

Fu Zhisheng was really curious when he saw this beautiful woman. He had also heard some rumors about this girl.

But now as soon as I see the real person Fu Zhisheng, I can conclude that it is definitely not the way it was uploaded online.

Really depraved girls, even actresses, do not have such a clean and flawless temperament as the girl in front of them.

It's really like they said, it's a little fairy.

Men are all visual animals, and Fu Zhisheng is not very serious but is no exception. He has a better impression of Luo Lanyi.

After bringing the luggage to the door of the room for her, she thoughtfully didn’t say anything to send it in, but just reminded her: “Actually, you can find an assistant. Not suitable."

Luo Lanyi heard this, and under the slight sign, his indifferent brows stretched slightly: "I know, thank you for your reminder."

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