The entire Los Angeles branch of Sloriy is a bit panic.

The notice of the sudden meeting made everyone unexpected, and the news was sent by the intelligent system Annie.

Everyone thought it was an order from the CEO of Los Angeles, but when they went upstairs, they realized that the CEO was also dumbfounded.

But everyone is an elite, and suddenly heard that the meeting is not so flustered. The CEO glanced at his watch, but frowned. If Leo was coming, why didn't he receive any notice in advance?

Asked what meeting Anne was having, and Annie just answered that she would know it later.

Almost all management has arrived on the scene.

Because I don’t know what the meeting is, no one dares to call and ask the head of the head office, Leo, what is going on.

The meeting room on the eighth floor is very large, and there is a big opportunity to sit down and manage 20 or 30 people.

At this time, the luxurious black leather chairs were full of seats. Among them, there were men and women. In terms of age, they were all old, and occasionally there were two new faces.

Carrie's boss, Kenneth, is also located in it.

He felt faintly disturbed at this moment.

The company has never had such a sudden meeting, and even the CEO looked puzzled. Obviously he did not initiate this meeting.

I openly ignited in the restaurant of the company at noon and said something suspected of racial discrimination. I will have a meeting now.

Thinking of this, he frowned and glanced at CEO Eddie. Alton, Eddie gave him a fierce look.

Obviously he knew what happened at noon.

This company is good at everything. The conditions, including the research direction, are very advanced and even have a promising future. The only problem is that the company's chief executive has not yet appeared.

I asked Leo, but Leo only said that the BOSS had something to deal with temporarily and it was not convenient to come to Silori.

Before figuring out who the immediate boss is, any executive should know that it is best not to make trouble in the company at will.

Looking at the time, it is two thirty in the afternoon in the US time.

In the United States, get off work hours are very early, but there are also overtime.

Now I just went to work.

After waiting for all the management in the company, except for the one that was really unreachable because of a business trip, some people were already a little impatient.

"BOSS? When will it start?"

"My work is not finished yet..."


Several managers began to send messages to Eddie, and Eddie shrugged: "I was also one of the people who received the news. Maybe it's Leo, maybe the boss has appeared."


"Who is the boss?"

As the CEO of the company, Eddie must have the ability to judge and observe. Even if Junci appears unexpectedly, it does not mean that he cannot detect it.

For others, this is more unexpected.

The company has been established for so long, and the boss has never appeared before. Why did he suddenly appear today?

It is said that I have not seen the boss several times at the headquarters.

Hearing that the boss might appear, most people looked at each other a little.

Especially Kenneth, he didn't know what he thought of, and frowned further.

Eddie stared at him again, his eyes a little cold.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared outside the fully transparent conference room separated by soundproof glass.

Now all the executives on the eighth floor have come up, and ordinary employees can't come up naturally. The appearance of this figure is very eye-catching.

She was wearing a simple gray T-shirt, a pair of knee-length sweatpants on her lower body, and her straight calves. She didn't seem to be attending a meeting casually.

The most conspicuous is probably she is wearing a mask.

When Kenneth saw her for the first time, his face suddenly paled.

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