The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1700: Selection criteria

Bessie breathed a sigh of relief.

At least I asked some people just now. Not many of them have gotten back and waited for the news. Most of them just let it out.

Obviously it was brushed off.

She thanked her and went out happily, because she was so happy that she walked around like a penguin.

The casting director looked at Jun Ci in surprise: "Emperor, I don't quite understand that this girl was obviously unqualified in her performance just now."

Jun Ci tilted her head and squinted her eyes: "How many of you have read my novels? The scripts are all adapted from the novel. After reading the novel, you will know why I am willing to give her a chance. "

The casting director is stuck...

When they received the news, they all read the script roughly. There was no time to read Jun Ci's novel completely.

Millions of words, kidding!

At their speed, it's not bad to be able to watch it in time, and to finish it in half a year.

When embarrassed, Jun Ci waved his hand again: "Forget it, Bai Lai Men is sending you to support the venue. Just watch me choose."

The meaning is obvious, no BB.

Casting Director: "..."

This is true, but it is too awkward to say it.

Claire behind Jun Ci couldn't help but laughed.

The iceberg beauty has a rare smile, but it has attracted everyone's attention.

But Claire only laughed for a moment, and then returned to her cold look.

Soon, Laura came in.

Laura’s appearance shocked several casting directors. Laura probably got Bess’s reminder and introduced herself first: "Hello everyone, I’m Laura, this time it’s the heroine You Sha."

The heroine Yousha made several people frown again.

This is a relatively difficult role to play. In the script, Yousha inherited the novel's seemingly insane but extremely clever traits. It is fierce and violent, but it makes people love and hate.

She is still a loli-like character, Laura's appearance seems a bit inconsistent, but her makeup skills are still very skillful these days.

Junci didn't say anything. After Laura finished speaking, she got permission and started her own performance.

Her performance is more complicated than Bessie’s, and it can be seen that Laura herself has the knowledge in it. Although she has never played a decent role, she does things in private as if she is a hacker. Acting skills are all contemplating seriously. The most important thing in Yusha's role is to perform the lawless arrogance and madness of nature. It looks like a neurosis if he can't act.

There is also the fierce temperament that makes people want to conquer but can only kneel down.

Even if she painted ghostly smoky makeup, that kind of character's energy is still better.

In three minutes, Laura's performance ended.

While the casting director was still pondering, Jun Ci said: "Okay, go home and wait for news."

Laura nodded and withdrew.

other people:"……"? ? ?

But this Laura's performance is not bad, at least better than the previous performance of playing the heroine and acting as a neurotic. The acting skills are acceptable, but it seems that it is not up to the emperor's standards?

Now, they all feel that the emperor's level is unpredictable.

What the emperor said before is still vivid, knowing that the conditions of Junci's selection are somewhat inexplicable, so they did not dare to speak this time.

The audition will continue.

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