The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1706: Do you know Lydia

Junci hasn't found it on the Internet, so naturally I have a little doubt about how Shu Jie did it.

Shu Jie: Our country is such a big country. Certainly not all the information will be hidden in the network. The Ministry of Information has other channels. Although our country's network is very secure, since we have you, nowhere is safe.

Emp: [Just you like BB.JPG]

After talking with Shu Jie, Jun Ci asked him to apply.

She didn't come completely rude, she did everything in accordance with the procedure, and she estimated that the upper hand would agree.

But the device has no signal...

Gulu can make up, but she can't say it for now.

When it is determined that he can succeed, Jun Chengyue's death date will come.

After thinking about it, Junci decided to visit Jun's house.

She depends on the person's reaction.

And take a look at Lydia's recent situation, as long as it's okay.

She is now the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family, and it is normal to visit with one reason, so Jun Ci said to visit Jun Chengyue.

The next day, she left for Jun's house.

When she went, it was close to noon, and Jun's family was eating lunch.

The Jun family now only has Jun Zhiyi and Jun Chengyue, and Lydia.

Surprisingly, Lydia sat and ate with them.

"Jun porcelain?"

Seeing Jun Ci, Jun Chengyue's gentle eyebrows seemed to overflow with a hint of surprise, and he stood up and looked at the teenager wearing a simple sweatshirt and a cap.

Jun Ci is in a good mood now, and can say hello to Jun Chengyue with a smile: "Uncle Chengyue, suddenly came home, didn't you bother you?"

She had never smiled at Jun Chengyue like this before. For a moment, she seemed to be able to confuse people's hearts. A sharp light flashed almost invisible in Jun Chengyue's eyes, and it was so fast that even Junci could not detect it. I feel that I have made a mistake.

Jun Chengyue naturally smiled: "Of course I won't bother."

He speaks softly, like Longjing tea, refreshing, and a sip is refreshing. It really explains what Mo Shang Shi Wushuang is. He can fascinate thousands of women, but he wants to be a pervert...

Lydia was a little shocked when she saw Junci coming.

She gripped the knife and fork tightly, and quickly adjusted it, but when she lowered her eyes, there was still unconcealed joy.

She hadn't seen her own daughter for a long time since the last goodbye.

Of course she was very happy to see it now.

But she was a little worried. She came rashly, what would Jun Chengyue do.

"Have you eaten Junci?"

Jun Chengyue greeted Jun Ci to sit down and ordered the servant to add a chair. Jun Ci was not polite and sat directly beside Lydia.

Although it was a little away from Lydia, it was obviously not right.

But all three of them knew well. Jun Chengyue must have known that Jun Ci already knew that Lydia was her mother, Jun Ci knew he knew, and Lydia knew too.

Is it very controversial or understands each other, but just pretends to be ignorant.

Only Jun Zhiyi was really silly. He was not very concerned about Jun Ci, the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family disguised as a man, but suddenly saw Jun Ci and Lydia sitting together, and he was a little confused and said: "Jun Ci ? Did you know Ms. Lydia before?"

Jun Chengyue heard Jun Zhiyi's question, her smile remained the same, but her body seemed to pause slightly.

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