The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1713: Ready to rescue

The teenager is running fast.

The private jet over there has been prepared, only the hatch has not been completely closed.

Junci has been delayed for a long time, and it is unrealistic to delay too long. Jun Chengyue naturally has a channel to contact the Aviation Bureau.

And Junci really didn't plan to solve the problem on the ground, because this place is still the territory of the Jun family, and the identity of the Jun family is not simple.

Shu Jie meant that nothing should be caused on the Jun family's site, otherwise it would be very troublesome if it spreads out.

Jun Ci intends to wait for the plane to take off.

The young man's figure looked like a sharp sword in the dark night. She ran very fast, and a second before the hatch was about to close, a successful roll rushed into the hatch.

Jun Chengyue was in the middle of the plane at this time, with only two gunmen guarding in front of the cabin door.

When Jun Ci jumped in, although he was invisible, there was wind and a slight movement.

The man with the gun was a little puzzled, looked around, there was nothing unusual, and then turned his gaze back.

At this time, the boy had already gotten up and walked into the plane lightly.

Gulu can provide the real scene, and if Junci observes it, people can better judge the situation.

When approaching from her to Jun Chengyue's side, the security force among them was nine people.

Three guarded by Jun Chengyue and Lydia, the others crouched at the tail.

There are six more over there near the cockpit.

But don't worry about the six, they can't get out after Gulu locked the cockpit.

When Jun Ci saw these people standing there, he still had some regrets. Why didn't he bring the spies, so he could give them electricity at critical moments...

I don't know if Jun Chengyue is born perverted. When Junci entered the interior, Jun Chengyue seemed to be sensitive to something and suddenly turned his head.

However, he obviously didn't find Junci, he just felt something was wrong, and scanned all around Junci.

Jun Ci stood still.

This device can also isolate smells, so you can't smell it by smell alone, but people have strong intuition, and Jun Chengyue may feel it.

A big foreign man asked in English in a low voice: "Boss, what's wrong?"

Jun Chengyue's eyes were indifferent, he retracted his eyes after scanning a circle, lowered his head and continued to drink coffee.

Lydia was sitting next to her, seemingly safe, but in reality the few basically surrounded Lydia.

If something happens, Lydia will definitely be in danger right away.

But there was something wrong with the precautions, a sensitive factor slipped through Jun Ci's mind, but she still didn't think much about it for the time being.

Lydia was wearing a simple light purple silk long dress, looking through the magazine gracefully, as if she had no idea about Jun Chengyue sending herself back to Canada.

The aircraft started to start, and the fuselage made a huge roar. After a period of run-up, the aircraft flew into the high altitude with a boost.

The fuselage was a bit bumpy at that moment, Lydia was wearing a seat belt, but because she was sitting on the side, her body shook a bit, which was relatively large.

Junci saw Jun Chengyue stretch out his arm to hold Lydia's wrist, and stabilize Lydia.

Lydia also politely thanked her.

Junci: "..."

I really can't understand the operation of these two people.

This is also the result of a gentleman and a lady. Although there is a problem with his personality, if he has changed his temper for so many years, he must have broken a few ribs.

With a slight movement, she moved closer to Lydia again.

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