The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1726: If it wasn't for it suddenly wailed

Jun Ci didn't expect Lydia to be good everywhere, but it didn't match the piano character.

Lydia hates hairy things. This is a natural prejudice that is not so easy to change.

However, her previous racial discrimination can be reversed by Jun Chengbai, and she will like such a cute dog in the future.

When this idea was caught by Guru, it was a little silent: "His Royal Highness, are you serious about this idea?"

Jun Ci: "Which idea do you say."

Guru: "You said the piano is cute."

Junci: "Isn't it cute?"

Guru: "..."

Your Highness is crazy! ! ! ! !

When Junci arranges the "Interstellar Glory" crew, has worked out the shooting plan, the cast has been listed, and it is already late at night.

She was pinching the time, and was going to the airport to pick him up in the early morning.

After many years, this man can finally return to this land in an open manner.

After Lydia knew that Jun Chengbai was coming back, she was very excited, and after dinner, she urged Jun Ci to go to the airport.

But in the end he changed his clothes in the room for a while.

Jun Ci didn't quite understand the thinking of women like them.

When she handled Jun Chengyue and sent it to Kararaman Island, she asked Gulu to imitate her own voice and relayed the process to Jun Chengbai, focusing on telling Jun Chengbai and Lydia.

I had been hiding it before, because I was afraid that Jun Chengbai was worried. Now that it is all right, of course I can make it clear.

After Jun Chengbai learned about Lydia, his performance was not so excited, but he was also very emotional.

This man was relatively silent, perhaps because he thought of the original things.

But now everything is over.


In the early morning, Jun Ci drove to pick Jun Chengbai, Lydia, piano and little spy with him...

The two goods had to squeeze in when they came downstairs, but Junci didn’t stop it, but the piano was probably violent with Lydia. Driving, the piano dog head always leaned forward to Lydia's hair intentionally or unconsciously, making Lydia keep looking back along the way to see if the piano was about to touch her hair.

When arriving at the airport, Lydia quickly got out of the car.

There were a lot of people at the airport in the early morning, but not so many passersby.

Because of special permission, Junci and Lydia came to the landing channel of the plane, and through the glass, they kept watching the plane with flashing lights landing in the dark night outside.

Until two o'clock in the morning, Jun arrived by a white plane, and after docking with the passage, standing on the side of the passage, Lydia, who was far away, saw a familiar figure step off the plane.

Both people were startled at the same time.

They both noticed each other, it was a kind of excitement and joy that had never been seen before.

Love was flooding between them, Lydia at first restrained step by step toward Jun Chengbai, but when she came back, she put aside her restraint and ran towards Jun Chengbai quickly.

Jun Chengbai also ran over. The moment the two people hugged each other, Jun Ci heard Lydia's obvious cry.

She was standing here, leading the dog, and a robot crouched at her feet, a little silent.

Such a quiet and beautiful moment is unmatched by any scenery.

It is also an indescribable happy time, enough to become a memory.

No one can bear to disturb the tranquility of this moment.

If it weren't for the piano's sudden cry, all this must be perfect.

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