The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1729: Back to Austin

With Junci's permission, Gulu just played the recording for Junci.

"Lydia, I think you should go back to the Austin family to meet him."

"See who?"


"No, it's impossible, don't even think about it."

Lydia's voice was firm: "I hate him, I swear I never want to see him again in my life."

"Why don't you want to see him? I know you may be a little unhappy in your heart, but now we have to think about Junci. She is now a director, now in the newspapers, and the whole world knows that she is related to the Austin family, but Austin The family just refuses to admit it. I know Junci doesn't care about Austin's recognition now, but you have to think about you, Lydia. After all, he is your father."

There was an alluring atmosphere in his voice, as if he was trying to persuade Lydia to return to the Austin family.

Lydia: "I can be considered a father without him."

Her voice is much more determined.

Jun Chengbai: "Then tell me why you hate him. I don't know for so many years. If I didn't see the news in the newspaper last time, I didn't even know that your father was Miles."

Lydia didn't speak, as if she was silent.

"Is it related to Yue?"

Lydia still said nothing.

"Lydia, I know you still have grievances against me for so many years. If it weren't for me, maybe Yue would not bring you back..."

"Don't say such silly things, if I blame you, I won't give birth to porcelain with you."

"I don't force you, Lydia, you can think about it for yourself. I just want you to know that you already have Junci now. You don't have to care about the past, and your mother, who passed away. Soon Miles married another woman. Even if you hate him, you have to go back to the Austin family and pay homage to your mother. I can go with you, or you can take Junci with you. "

Jun Chengbai didn't mean that Lydia wanted to return to the Austin family, but he knew that Lydia had always had a knot in his heart.

She said she hated Miles, but she must have a kind of entanglement about her former family.

This kind of thing needs to go back to the source to solve it, so Lydia has to go back to the Austin family anyway.

Lydia was silent, and she did not speak for a long time.

Jun porcelain thoughtfully.

Lydia has always had a problem with Austin. This problem may be solved by returning to the Austin family. If she wants to go back, Junci will not stop it. This is her freedom.

She ignored what Lydia and Jun Chengbai said next, and fell asleep after giving up monitoring.

Until the next day she woke up to eat breakfast and was going to school later.

Jun Chengbai put the room out of the room, he had already packed up, and was about to go out to exercise, when he saw Junci and said: "Good morning, Junci."

"Good morning father, is Lydia still sleeping?"

Jun Chengbai nodded. He was going to go out to exercise. When sitting down for breakfast, Jun Chengbai hesitated and asked: "Jun Ci, if I ask you, Lydia will go back to the Austin family once, you Would you like to accompany her back?"

He mentioned it early in the morning, and it seems that he had already said it last night.

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