The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1773: Own ensemble

In fact, Junci now has a lot of male fans.

Last time he disclosed the news of his engagement on Weibo, Gulu supplemented the photos of women's clothing.

A group of big masters screamed and became Junci's face powder.

It's a pity that Junci still wears women's clothing in a handful of cases, and she hasn't even worn women's clothing since her engagement.

She still keeps her menswear unwavering at this kind of celebration, which is simply disappointing!

Many girls saw Jun Ci, even if they knew she was a girl in their hearts, they still couldn't help screaming.

Sometimes, that kind of strong personal charm can't be concealed even by gender restrictions.

Her show is still relatively long. At the beginning of the afternoon, Junci sat in the background and played games for a while.

I probably know that when Junci's show is about to end, there are quite a few people looking forward to her performance.

Even the Student Union came to say hello and asked Junci if he was ready.

Junci herself had no problem. When it was time for performance, she had played three rounds of games before hearing her name vaguely heard.

"School grass, soon, soon, it's coming to you."

There was a rush in the student union, and many people were shocked.

At least the performance of the school grass, as long as the face is very refreshing.

Jun Ci smiled slightly and plugged a small machine into the computer in the lighting control room. It was used for the performance that Gulu and Moxing were about to use.

The classmate in charge of controlling the lights didn't know what Junci was going to do, but just looked inexplicable.

After a few minutes, the previous program of Junci ended with thunderous applause. The host was only excited to announce Junci's name.

Jun Ci straightened the corners of his clothes, went as required by the student union, sat in front of the piano, and waited for the stage to rise by itself.

Two faintly white lights hung down. While the audience was holding their breath, they suddenly realized that it was not only Junci that was rising, but also the one next to her...

It was a figure that suddenly appeared. She was wearing a long white rice dress with long hair on her shoulders, and her eyes were cold, showing her lonely and arrogant icy temperament.

She just looked at the audience quietly, with a slight look in her eyes.

It looks like a peerless allure, shocking people.

Because that is Junci's women's clothing!

She also had a violin on her shoulder, which was obviously meant to be performed.

Jun Ci just froze for a moment and knew what Moxing and Gulu were doing. His emotion was to use projection to create a female version of himself to ensemble.

But I have to say that this idea is pretty good.

At least many people at the scene made inhaling sounds. Whether it was looking at Junci, who is full of evil in men's clothing, or the cold queen of women's clothing, it feels like a flourishing beauty.

I can't see it anymore!

Especially when she stood there quietly, she looked like a real person, making it impossible for people to tell which side is the real Junci.

The classmates in the backstage looked stupid.


The first piano sound sounded, and the gentle violin sound began a eloquent ensemble. It was just a simple piano piece, which seemed to be full of the drama of a duel under the performance of the two.

There is also a shock.

There were many foreign audiences in the audience. They looked left and right, and they whispered dumbfounded: "Twins?"

The two figures on the stage, like the beauty of the prosperous age, were recorded by the Long Mansion video and became an eternal memory.

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