The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1790: That's a gun

Jiang Yi had some trouble over there, but he was still in the mood to contact Jun Ci.

"Porcelain, what are you doing?"

Jun Ci suddenly received Jiang Yi's greetings when he was attending class in school, and he was taken aback for a moment and responded directly: "In class, what are you doing now?"


Jiang Yi chuckled and felt the car sway for a while. He probably followed Quesan and the others. "I was exposed, but the mission is still in progress."

Jun Ci raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is the problem big?"

"Of course it's not big, it's okay."

Even if it was the first official mission, Jiang Yi was not worried, "Xiao Ci is with me, and Gulu and Moxing are protecting me. What can I do?"

"Beautiful you, I won't protect you."

With a grunt, the provoked Jun Ci chuckled: "He provoked you again?"

Jiang Yi made a cut, "Obviously it provokes me. Okay, Porcelain, please continue to class. I won't bother you."

After Jiang Yi finished speaking, he hung up the communication. Jun Ci frowned slightly and looked at Jiang Yi's current situation through the end star. Although it was a bit dangerous, it seemed that it was not dangerous. As long as you hide it well, There should be no major problems, and she temporarily let go of her mind.

Now when the class is officially in session, but in a few days, Junci will be busy shooting "Interstellar Glory".

She has been idle for a long time, she can't be idle anymore.

After class at noon, Jun Ci and Yuan Chenyan went to dinner.

In the afternoon, neither of them had classes, so Yuan Chenyan asked Jun Ci to go out for dinner.

When I went to eat, Yuan Chenyan murmured: "Sula and Duyuan school girls are full of classes this afternoon, so I can't come and eat with us."

Jun Ci glanced at Yuan Chenyan: "I found that you like to bring Sula, or Baidu Yuan, wherever you go. Why, do you like it?"

Jun Ci's straightforward sentence made Yuan Chenyan's face flushed a bit: "What are you talking about, how can there be..."

But there was a hint of shyness in the denial mood.

It's weird for a big man to make this expression, but Jun Ci knew that this man had planned it for a long time.

It is enough to bring Baiduyuan everywhere to prove some problems.

"It's not that I said, you can't talk nonsense about the school grass, why I like it..."

"do not move!"

Before Yuan Chenan finished speaking, Jun Ci suddenly yelled at him coldly.

At the same time, his sharp eyes swept towards the building opposite to the meal, Yuan Chenyan was taken aback, then pointed at Junci and said, "Hey school grass, why is there a red spot on your face..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jun Ci pushed the table fiercely, leaned back, and made a "bang", as if something extremely fast shot across the tabletop, directly causing a gap in the tabletop.

Yuan Chenyan's eyes widened, and his tone began to tremble: "School grass, guns, guns..."

I have never eaten pork and have seen pigs run. Yuan Chenyan recognized what he had just now.

Isn't it just a bullet coming over.

Jun Ci's eyes were locked on the opposite side, she just got up and ran: "Yuan Chenyan, you settle the account, I have something to do."

Yuan Chenyan stayed in his place and didn't react for a long time.

What happened to this kind of thing?

Yuan Chenyan came to his senses when he recovered.

Fuck, school grass, Niman, that's a gun, gun! ! !

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