The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1812: what would you like

Bai Duyuan was a little dumbfounded, and it took a long time before she laughed stiffly: "Senior are you kidding me?"

Yuan Chenyan was very serious: "Do you think I am joking?"


The young man really has courage.

In any case, Yuan Chenyan now has a lot of bones.

Jun Ci admired him like this, so when Bai Duyuan was entangled with Yuan Chenyan, Jun Ci silently retreated so as not to be so uninterested in being a light bulb.

Bai Duyuan reacted when she saw Jun Ci go straight away. Seeing Jun Ci’s back, she looked at Yuan Chenyan again. When she was dumbfounded, her face turned red: "Yuan...Yuan Xuechang..."

She really didn't expect it.

Strictly speaking, she is a relatively innocent girl. When she first entered the Dragon Mansion, she was able to help Sura, and she was kind-hearted.

Ever since I was a child, I haven't talked about love, I just envied the feeling that Junci and the others are in pairs.

Now suddenly I heard that the better senior who had been playing confessed to her suddenly, Bai Duyuan was a little confused for a while.



A basin of cold water poured down her head, and Ying Lei immediately felt aroused all over her body, and she woke up immediately.

She felt that the wet marks on her forehead were heavy, and she opened her eyes embarrassedly and found that she had been splashed with water.

There was a vague shadow in front of her, because against the light, she couldn't see who it was, except that the figure was very tall.

She panicked at once, and instantly remembered what had happened.

Last night, when she got off work, she drove not far away from the garage, and she ran into someone blocking a car halfway through.

It wasn’t like stopping the car. She staggered and walked to the middle of the road. She thought it was a drunk person. She stopped the car. But she didn’t expect someone to jump into her car and cover her nose and mouth. He passed out into a coma, unconscious.

Until now, when she woke up, Ying Lei immediately realized that she was kidnapped.

The purpose of kidnapping herself is temporarily unknown, but she quickly calmed down. After waking up, she did not make a lot of noise or reacted fiercely.

He just opened his eyes hard, and when he could almost see the shadow in front of him, he decided to look at it.

It was a completely unfamiliar environment, and there was only one man around, tall and big, as if boiling water.

Surrounded by a small civilian building, as if it were about to be demolished, there were even spider webs on the dilapidated walls. In the whole room, there was only a small table and a chair tied to her, and a boiler where a man was boiling water. .

Even though she is now embarrassed and splashed with water on her face, Ying Lei is still terribly calm, her eyes calmly looked at the only man in the room, "What do you want?"

Kidnapping people is nothing more than a purposeful attempt.

As long as it is money, everything is easy to talk about.

Ying Lei is confident to hold the opponent.

Hearing her suddenly speaking, the man turned his head and looked at her.

It was a face covered with black cloth, and he couldn't see his face at all, except for a pair of gray and dim eyes.

In those eyes, a strong evil spirit was revealed for no reason, but there was no killing intent, which made Ying Lei even more puzzled when she was a little flustered.

He did not speak, Ying Lei had to continue to bite the bullet and say: "You kidnap someone is nothing more than wanting money or something. As long as you say it, I can do it, I will ask someone to do it, and I will never call the police."

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden applause.

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