She borrowed this man from Shu Jie.

Shu Jie is located in a special department, and there are so many people doing this kind of thing, especially for interrogations, the state department has a set.

Jun Ci said that by borrowing a person, Shu Jie initially hesitated whom Jun Ci would deal with, but later learned that it was the person who murdered her, but he did not hesitate at all.

This person was sent by Shu Jie.

Good at assassination and interrogation.

Hearing this, the man turned off the boiler before the boiling water was about to overflow.

He walked over and took out something in his heart, which was a small thing, like a chip.

Ying Lei watched him come, her pupils shrank, and her expression finally became a little painful: "I know that even if you say you will not let me go."

She knew clearly.

Regarding those who want to kill himself, Junci has always been relentless.

Otherwise, she is the one who died. How could she be so kind?

The corner of her mouth just provoked an indifferent smile, watched the man walk over, turned around and left by herself: "Don't worry, I will not deal with you in any way, you are not worried about you being harmed, I just Interrogate by normal means."

As soon as she walked out of the room, she heard Ying Lei screaming fiercely inside: "Ah!!!"

It should be a new thing developed by their department, specifically for the brain nerves, once it is activated on the forehead, the pain is like someone is living on your thousands of nerves, it is simply painful.

Most people persist for less than a few minutes.

Unless it is holding a mortal heart.

But Junci knew that Ying Lei was reluctant to die.

Fortunately, there is a dangerous building nearby, otherwise the sound will disturb the people.

Junci played with his mobile phone, using the screams as background music, and there was no expression in his eyes.

She got used to it.

In the past, when I was a crown prince, Junci saw many such things, including sometimes when the old emperor interrogated people, the methods were endless, and he would not avoid Junci.

That is much crueler than the current methods.

Some are even against humanity.

This is normal in the place where you can eat people without spitting out bones.

If Jun Ci had not been a crown prince, she might have preferred that she was just a commoner who knew nothing.

Ying Lei's point is no surprise.

Within a minute, the screaming inside stopped, and the man walked out from the door, with a little apologetic tone: "She passed out."

Looks firm, I didn't expect it to last a minute.

It's just because of pain, but her mouth is really strict.

The teenager laughed, but did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "Go on."

Just look at how important this Jun page is.

But afterwards, Jun Ci saw some interesting things through Gulu, her lips curled up, and she entered the house feeling interesting.

Ying Lei has been awakened by the man's splashing water again.

The weather was already cold, but she was sweating profusely, her face was pale as a ghost, and she was embarrassed.

The body shivered even more.

Although she is firm, she has always been spoiled and accustomed to having a good life. She only finds the business field and tiring, but such methods of torture to extract a confession are beyond her ability. Not everyone is superhuman.

Jun Ci suddenly raised the phone in front of her: "I found something interesting. Jun Ye probably knows that you have been arrested. He is now going to run away with his wife and children. At Jun Shenglian, they did not find him a problem. prior to."

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