The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 184: Narcissism has no sense of disobedience

"I thought it would be someone else who came to represent Jinshan Culture, but I didn't expect it would be Editor Zhou himself."

The dark light in Jun Ci's eyes and lips were slightly raised, and the expression in Zhou Jin's eyes was a bit meaningful.

However, being so deduced by a teenager made Zhou Jin feel a frightened evil spirit.

She raised her brows, and had inquired some information from the emperor before coming.

In addition to the unexpected youth of the other side, a series of high-profile signings were signed in the previous days.

Zhou Jin knew about some crazy news in the circle, saying that the emperor was pretty as if he came out of a cartoon.

Indescribable appearance.

This is a sentence spoken obsessively by her work friend in the Internet literature industry.

At the moment the young man was wearing a mask, and she could only tell that her eyebrows were deep, the kind of brow bones that were extremely beautiful.

It was shocking, forgive her for not being able to see through the mask.

However, the temperament of this young man is indeed terribly attractive.

And when talking to this person, Zhou Jin always felt like facing a big person.

"Mr. Jun joked. After all, it's a 2 million contract, and it's just a publishing contract. Of course, our publishing house will send me to investigate some of the circumstances. Mr. Jun, don't you think?"

As Zhou Jin said, she winked at Jun Ci playfully.

It is a bit contrary to her style of strong women.

Jun Ci smiled indifferently: "Of course, I'm only here to direct the play now. If editor Zhou is interested, you can watch it."

When Zhou Jin heard it, she smiled and looked around: "I didn't expect Mr. Jun to be interested in being a director. I heard that you bought a small work from Jiangchuan Literature Net for this movie?"


After Jun Ci finished speaking, the weather was sultry and wanted to drink.

She pulled the mask to her chin casually, and took a sip of water in Zhou Jin's suddenly dumbfounded eyes.

Before he recovered from the sudden beauty of the flourishing age, Zhou Jin saw that the surrounding staff instantly cast their enthusiastic eyes on.

When they watched the director drink water, they swallowed too.

The center of my eyes thought about me as if I couldn't wait for the saliva to be me.

With such a weird style of painting, Zhou Jin understood everything when he saw the boy's face.

It is simply a face that shocks people to say nothing, no matter how many words describe it, it is pale.

Not as good as oneself.

When Jun Ci drank the water and pulled the mask up, Zhou Jin's fingers trembled and suddenly there was a way to pull Jun Ci's mask off.

I haven't seen enough!

It would be too embarrassing to call out.

As the editor-in-chief of Zhou Jin, she has never seen a beautiful star.

But this is the first time I have seen someone who looks so good as Junci.

Even she was bewildered for a while, almost unable to return to God.

She forcibly suppressed the throbbing in her heart, coughed slightly and said, "Since she looks so good, why hide it and take off the mask, isn't it better?"

Seeing the hungry eyes of the staff when Junci took off the masks, it was like having never eaten meat in eight lifetimes. When they saw small fresh meat, their eyes were green.

Unexpectedly, when the young man heard the words, his eyebrows were suddenly crooked, and what he said was very annoying: "Isn't this for them to concentrate on their work? Otherwise, the beauty is so misleading!"

Zhou Jin: "..."

She swears, such narcissistic words.

Speaking from the mouth of the person in front of her, she actually felt damned that there was no sense of disobedience.

I still agree!

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