The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 187: Make waves again 1

It is worth mentioning that.

Geng Shunkun left here long after the design was completed.

After all, he only needs to complete his own task, and doesn't need to follow the group.

But when I left, I left Junci's phone number, saying that I could find him again when I was free, and I was willing to give a discount.

When he returned to the hotel, Junci saw Zhou Jin in the lobby of the hotel, holding a magazine, sitting on the sofa in the window, and a cup of depleted coffee was placed in front of him.

Jun Ci walked over and sat down directly: "Sorry to finish work late, are you hungry, do you need to eat something first?"

"Not hungry."

Zhou Jin smiled and looked at her: "I heard your crew say that you stopped work early today. Wouldn't it be that I don't know how to praise it if it is too late?"

"Why use these words." Jun Ci smiled lightly, and looked at the pile of documents on the table in front of him: "The contract is done?"

"En." Zhou Jin picked up the coffee and mixed it: "Look, see if there is anything missing. Because of time, I got a formal contract directly. You only need to confirm the signature. I need to take the two contracts back to the company. Stamp it, and I will mail you a copy in three days."

Jun Ci picked up the contract and read it quickly. According to the pre-arranged statement, there is no problem.

She readily took out the pen and signed the name.

"I heard from Luodu that your book is divided into several parts, right?"


Jun Ci said: "There are several books in this book. I haven't divided the specific ones yet, so I'm not in a hurry. You can arrange the first one first."

"Of course we know this, and I also know that your first book is now finished. If there is no problem, we hope you can give us all the manuscripts. We divide it into three volumes based on your progress on the Internet. For the release, the first volume is ready for release according to the current progress. This time, we can start to put it on the schedule officially when we go back to our publishing house. By the way, it is also a test."

When Zhou Jin said this, she said with a little smile: "Isn't Director Jun not planning to hold his own personal signing event in the future?"

Jun Ci shook his head, pursed his lips and smiled lightly, "I haven't considered this yet."

Hearing this, Zhou Jin couldn’t force it anymore: “Then I won’t force Jun to be the director. It’s a nice meeting with Director Jun. If I don’t have time, I really want to stay here for a few days?”

Jun Ci raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Why, are you going back?"

"Yeah, I have to hurry to send the documents back, and there are other cooperation matters to discuss. I will have to rush back to the imperial capital by the nine o'clock in the evening.

"Oh, editor-in-chief that week, goodbye in the future."

Zhou Jin: "..."

She almost laughed angrily.

This young man was really irritating, he didn't want to keep himself, and he said goodbye.

Like how difficult it was to meet after getting it, if she wanted to, she would have a reason to meet Jun Ci at any time.

However, she is not familiar with her, there is really no reason to stay.

Zhou Jin had to leave first with regret, because she didn't even eat any food in a hurry.

After sending someone to send Zhou Jin off, Jun Ci returned to his room.

I sent a message to Brother Dog that the contract for his publishing house was also signed.

Looking at the night outside, her career is now on the right track, just waiting to explode.

At this moment, Gulu said in a rare unpleasant voice: "Your Highness, someone is attacking our anti-theft software again."

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