The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1897: Inside the pyramid

Including the history of ancient Egypt, Gulu can tell her in detail, so Junci does not need any guide.

And Guru can't detect the inside of the pyramid, so Junci is going to sneak in to see what's going on, and it's not suitable for acting with large forces.

The pyramids are located in this land of yellow sand. From a distance, you can see large triangular pyramids standing upright, full of the heaviness and vicissitudes of history.

When people see it, they can't help but be shocked. Under the conditions like thousands of years ago, how did such a miracle be built?

Some people say that the technology of the ancients is far from that of the modern ones, but there are many unearthed technologies that cannot be achieved by current scientific methods. This is always an unsolved mystery.

In the past few thousand years, no one will know what happened in the dynasties of the world, because the traces of that era are gradually being erased by time.

The Pyramid of Khufu must be the first choice of the large army, and Junci did not go with them.

Laura seemed to want to follow Jun Ci, but she told her to leave.

There are three most famous pyramids here that tourists can visit, followed by the Pyramid of Khufu, then his son's and his grandson's.

Each of the three pyramids is smaller than the other. Among them, the pyramid of the grandson Menkaura has been corroded, and the height is now only 66 meters high. Although it is still very high, the height of Tong Khufu and his son is hundreds of meters. Than.

What Junci is going to is the tomb pyramid of Menkaura.

Now the large army has not come, so not many people have noticed that Junci is the first to see this pyramid.

"The inside of Khufu's Pyramid is accessible, as is his son's. This one, the pyramid of Khufu's grandson Menkaura, cannot be explored, and it is the only one nearby."

This has revealed some problems. Khufu and the other pyramid can explore, why can't this one alone?

From the appearance, it is far inferior to the majestic and massive Pyramid of Khufu and Harvard standing on top of the yellow sand. After thousands of years, the wind and sand have corroded the entire stone wall, but it is still tough.

There is not even a gap, so don't even think about inserting the tip of the knife.

Such technology is a miracle in itself.

Junci's fingers touched the surface of the pyramid thinly, and there was a serious graininess, and it felt no different from an ordinary pyramid.

But even so, Gulu and Moxing still said that the signal can't invade.

Don't even know what's inside.

But there should have been nothing inside, because the pyramid had been stolen from the Pharaoh's body, but now it is a complex of buildings.

It's just that the corpse of Pharaoh has fallen into the Atlantic Ocean, and it's just empty inside.

There is an entrance in front with only a few pedestrians.

Jun Ci pursed the corners of his lips, and the entrance faintly reflected a faint light, as if there was something in it. If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that you will be frightened when you see this scene.

The visitors who can enter did not notice anything unusual, they talked and laughed, and entered very calmly.

Upon seeing this, Jun Ci chuckled and followed in.

No matter what's in this pyramid, she must know the truth today. If it doesn't work, she will withdraw early!

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