The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1905: Return message

The smile instantly stiffened.

Then, her expression became lonely.

This was the first time, when she knew she was sure to bid farewell to Iman in Interstellar, her heart began to simmer in dull pain.

Because she knew this separation was a farewell, and even now she would not see Iman.

After a long time, she opened a small smile: "Help me bring her a paragraph."

She is still smiling, her voice has begun to dry up: "Mother, I'm still alive, I'm still alive in another universe of life that you don't know how far away. I'm here, in a place called Earth On the planet, there is a very good level of civilization, and there are many good people. I am here and met my love for life. Moxing and Gulu are also by my side. You don’t have to worry much about me—"

She paused and raised her voice slightly, but she couldn't stop trembling: "Iman, stay alive. I hope that in the next life, I will be your daughter."

A drop of tears rolled out along her eye sockets.

This is the first time she left tears of true feelings in this world.

It's for Iman.

Gulu was also a little sad: "His Royal Highness, don't be sad, at least we are with you."

Last Star: "Your Highness, everything will be fine."

Both Guangnao were trying their best to comfort, and Jun Ci reluctantly nodded: "I see, let's end it."

Seeker No. 30749: "The information has been received and the signal will be sent soon. Your Highness, I will send you back to the ground. May you live a happy life on this planet, goodbye!"


As soon as its voice fell, a beam of light suddenly rose from the ground, rising straight up from the suspended light ball!

The whole underground began to shake, and the originally colorful and mysterious universe began to shake.

The space began to be distorted, and Jun Ci felt that her body was suddenly out of balance. With a "swish", she only felt the space in front of her change. When she opened her eyes, she had returned to the ground.

Outside is still Egypt with yellow sand.

Several pyramids were still standing high, but in this piece of yellow sand, Junci saw the tip of the pyramid where it was just now and emitted a beam of light soaring into the sky.

Straight through the clouds, magnificent and huge.

Such a scene is too conspicuous and very shocking.

"Oh my God, what is that!"

"My God, what is that!"

"That pyramid, look at it!"


There were bursts of exclamation and screams around, and a few tourists were not afraid for the first time, but came here in shock.

They took out their phones almost reflexively and filmed this shocking scene.

Many people are still inside the pyramid and have not had time to see this scene.

Gulu asked, "Your Highness, do you need to be shielded?"

Because someone is shooting, uploading the video may cause some trouble.

After all, such a scene looks too incredible.

"No need."

Jun Ci's eyes have regained clarity, and she can no longer see the pain just now. She raised her head, looking up at the beam, and the corners of her lips curled up: "There are enough incredible things on the earth, so I don't care about more. "

The beam continued for a full minute.

Perhaps the Seeker was launching a message, and only a minute later, all the beams seemed to have been transmitted into space, and then in an instant, it turned into a light and dissipated completely.

The pyramid also shook, but it was fleeting and calm.

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