Almost a week later, a mysterious person came to the crew.

At that time, Junci was instructing a scene, and in a few days they were going to move to another city at the next stop, but they didn't expect to hear a noisy voice over there: "No, no, don't squeeze in here! Sorry, if you are not from the crew please go out immediately!"

This voice was spoken in English by the crew, as if they were still shouting.

Junci and the others heard the noise, and when they looked up, they turned out to be a figure wearing a huge bear costume with a large bouquet of flowers in their hands. The flowers looked like roses and were strange, so they wanted to squeeze inside.

The crew is not clear about his identity and is wearing a doll costume. Of course, he will not be allowed in.

And because of the sudden appearance of this doll bear, many passersby who were originally onlookers took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and curiously pointed.

The doll bear seemed to have a lot of strength, and several staff members blocked him with a bit of an awful smell, and then rushed him out of the crowd circle and rushed towards Junci.

Jun Ci narrowed his eyes instantly.

The other people pale in fright.

This is the most taboo thing abroad. What if this person is carrying a gun?

This is something no one can guarantee.

Suddenly, several people rushed towards the doll bear, but the doll bear was tall and long, and no one had run past him. After just a few blinks of an eye, the doll bear rushed in front of Junci and scared Laura and the others. During the big jump, the doll bear knelt down on one leg before Junci kicked it out.

The scene was a bit funny, it felt like rushing to the front of Junci and knelt down alone, so that the crew members who were chasing from behind looked at this scene in a daze.


Jun Ci squinted his eyes slightly, always feeling that this person is a bit familiar.

The doll bear handed a large bouquet of roses to her, and when he looked closely, he discovered that there were not only flowers, but also various snacks.

He was tired enough to hold a large bunch of flowers, and now he held it in front of Junci.

There were exclamations around.

Laura was all dumbfounded. After all, Junci’s temper was there. For so long, no one has dared to do such a bold act to Junci. Besides, doesn’t Junci have a fiance?

What is this doll bear doing now?

Openly show love to Junci?

But Junci only paused for a while, and then reached out and tried to pull the doll bear's head. The doll bear protected his head. It seemed that he didn't want Junci to take off the doll's head and didn't want Junci to know who he was. .

He just fought back, and Jun Ci said coldly: "Jiang Yi."

The doll bear paused.

Then Jun Ci easily uncovered the bear's head. It was Jiang Yi's exquisite and handsome face with a hint of aggrieved expression: "How did you know it was mine?"

The bear's head was taken off, and the surroundings made inhaling sounds because of Jiang Yi's handsome beauty.

Jun Ci smiled suddenly: "Just blindly."

She didn't see how many people could wear such wide bear pants with the effect of cropped trousers. With Jiang Yi's height and stupid behavior, it seemed that he would do such a thing.

With that chuckle, Jun Ci directly reached out to take Jiang Yi's rose, and the surrounding fans and passers-by suddenly screamed and whistled.

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