In the camera, everyone only saw the handsome and neat figure of the young man, accompanied by that shocking horizontal kick.

The action was extremely simple and simple, and he kicked the man who rushed towards Claire with the knife in an instant.

The people present were stunned, even Claire's bodyguards were a bit dull, waiting for Jun Ci to kick the man out, they reacted and stepped forward and held down the man.

Claire was so frightened that she put her hands in front of her, Huarong couldn't be overshadowed, when Junci rushed to her to help her get rid of this person, Claire was a little confused.

I have experienced strong winds and waves, but I have seen that the knife just greeted me directly, and said that I am not afraid, it must be fake.

Claire paled for a moment, then hid behind Jun Ci.

Jun Ci got rid of the people, and stood there quietly glanced at the man who was kicked out and showed his love to Claire with a crazy face.

No one would accept his expression of love, but he felt terrible.

Claire was even more frightened.

"My God, she is so handsome!!"

"It's so handsome, I'm going to faint, what a decisive kick!"

"She has a lot of strength. Is this the legendary Chinese Kung Fu?"

Excited exclamations erupted from the surroundings. Seeing that people were surrendered, the audience couldn't help applauding Junci.

Especially the group of people carrying the camera, including those from Junci's own crew, were all stunned.

Seeing the situation just now, the actor Ye Bai stammered and asked Laura next to him: "Is the director so good?"

Laura's expression is also a bit complicated: "How do I know?"

She also didn't know the director at all.

From the action just now, it is obvious that the director is often very proficient in such things.

Claire recovered from the panic: "Oh my God, porcelain, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

At the same time she looked at the host.

The host shook his head helplessly at her. The meaning was obvious. The camera recorded this scene as soon as possible, and because it was a live broadcast, so...

I believe that many viewers have seen the scene just now.

Claire suddenly became anxious: "I'm sorry, I didn't..."

"It's ok."

The reason Claire was anxious was because Jun Ci hated being on the show. She originally intended to let Jun Ci be on the spot, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen now.

"No one would have expected such a thing to happen."

Jun Ci looked at the people on the ground indifferently. It happened too suddenly, and now it was too late for Guru to shield them.

What's more, this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened, and she has been on the scene again, so there is not much pressure.

Claire looked at the man who was still yelling her name frantically and was scared for a while. There are crazy fans everywhere. Even Hollywood fans are crazy. There were once stars who were killed by their fans because of their open romance.

Claire had never expected such a crazy thing to happen to herself.

The host over there had already made the excuse that something happened to Claire and shifted the camera, but the audience saw the scene just now, and they were still unable to believe it. Now that they came back to their senses, they were frantically painted on the live show. comment.

And some hands have recorded the video quickly and began to post it on social platforms.

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